Search found 23 matches
- Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:31 am
- Forum: WIP Mapping
- Topic: oc_heavymachinery
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8975
- Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:17 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Obsidian Birthday
- Replies: 22
- Views: 16011
- Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:13 pm
- Forum: WIP Mapping
- Topic: oc_heavymachinery
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8975
i have known hammer for about 1 year. and my weakest point is brush work. i have looked so many tuts for everything, even if i wont need it in the future. the problem i have here though is that its a remake from the hl1 engine, and i dont know what to add to make it hl2 material. i know the I/O syst...
- Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:00 am
- Forum: WIP Mapping
- Topic: oc_heavymachinery
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8975
- Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:06 am
- Forum: WIP Mapping
- Topic: oc_heavymachinery
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8975
this is a remake of philthy boyee's map. i just remade. its all his idea except a few things . anyway. i used to play this map and i loved it so much. it was fun with a lot of ppl. its not really a coop map buts its fun. (note: you can't pick ur difficultly) | | \/ THE POINT OF THE MAP - red team mu...
- Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:05 pm
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: hide and seek maps?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6099
- Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:55 am
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: hide and seek maps?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6099
hide and seek maps?
i used to play hide and seek maps on team fortress and i loved them. i think oc should have some hide and seek maps. i would play them. they were fun. for those who dont know. -1 seeker - rest are hiders -hiders are released to hide leting them have like 1 min to hide or something -seek is released ...
- Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:52 pm
- Forum: Mapping Help
- Topic: weapons spawning at orgin
- Replies: 8
- Views: 8474
*Make sure you didn't duplicate a weapon and its left inside another. *Check that the bounding box dosen't collide with the walls, floor. *And also just check the it's bounding box dosen't collide with that of other models. that should be the problem now that i think about it, i try and see if that...
- Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:42 am
- Forum: Mapping Help
- Topic: weapons spawning at orgin
- Replies: 8
- Views: 8474
weapons spawning at orgin
i know this may be noobish some of my weapons are spawning it the orgin of the map. they all spawn at the same and differnt weapons. they like fly out everywhere and sit on the place where ever they land and disapear. then i hear the annoy respawn sound over and over and over. can anyone help? is it...
- Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:58 am
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: Good Map Idea ( i think it is)
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7176
- Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:46 pm
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: What Size?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5808
- Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:59 am
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: What Size?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5808
What Size?
how many MB are most of the maps?
just wondering. nothing important.
just wondering. nothing important.
- Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:29 pm
- Forum: WIP Mapping
- Topic: oc_blizzard
- Replies: 23
- Views: 16634
- Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:02 am
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: Good Map Idea ( i think it is)
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7176
- Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:39 am
- Forum: General Mapping, Modeling, and Coding Discussion
- Topic: Good Map Idea ( i think it is)
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7176
Good Map Idea ( i think it is)
i would do this but my quality in maps suck but someone should make a luxury ship map. u start out normal. then do a puzzle or something, then it gets attacked by eneimes, then it flips upside down and the guest die. u have to get to the top which is the bottom of the ship and its filling up with wa...