Official Servers
Forum rules
- Only talk about Offical Servers here, anything not related to those will be deleted without further notice
- New threads are moderated to prevent spam
- Start the Thead name with the following format (thing embraced within <> are placeholders): [<ServerName / Short Servername e.x. Official Server>] <Normal thread title>
failing to follow this will result in thread deletion without further notice!
- You're a Server Owner / Provider and want to apply as an Offical OC Server Provider / Owner to get access to exlusive features? Click here to Register
Remember that we won't just let everyone become a Offical one, we need to totally trust these and Providers like 21rus who host cracked servers totally aren't
- Only talk about Offical Servers here, anything not related to those will be deleted without further notice
- New threads are moderated to prevent spam
- Start the Thead name with the following format (thing embraced within <> are placeholders): [<ServerName / Short Servername e.x. Official Server>] <Normal thread title>
failing to follow this will result in thread deletion without further notice!
- You're a Server Owner / Provider and want to apply as an Offical OC Server Provider / Owner to get access to exlusive features? Click here to Register
Remember that we won't just let everyone become a Offical one, we need to totally trust these and Providers like 21rus who host cracked servers totally aren't
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- 0 Replies
Last post by Shana
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- 15 Replies
Last post by Mangaman1001