I'm wondering if it's a known issue where player movement appears very stuttery/jittery after a map has been running for days on end. Couldn't see it posted already so I'll ask.

What has happened is that I have a private server at home for a couple of friends. We were playing harvest (obviously) and as my home server is a 24/7 computer I just left SRCDS running as a service. I've also got the time limit on infinite so we could resume harvesting later and not lose equipment.
When the map started a few days ago there were no lag issues at all. I connect to my home server over Gigabit ethernet (with 9k jumbo frames) so I get no latency, and my friends had between 20-40 ms latency most of the time. They also said there was no noticeable lag other than a tiny bit with the gravity gun as expected. However after 4 days I joined the server and noticed that moving around feels very stuttery, clearly noticeable visually.
I've uploaded a video of it happening. It doesn't happen when looking around, just when moving. It's somewhat harder to see in the video than when playing, possibly as the video recording is only taking 30 frames/second instead of the 120 produced.
[BBvideo 640,480][/BBvideo]
The server frame rate and CPU usage appears to be fine according to the SRCDS stats (took 10 samples over 30 seconds and they are all roughly the same).
Code: Select all
CPU In Out Uptime Users FPS Players
11.02 5011.89 7495.35 5798 3 99.88 1
It's configured to run at 100 FPS, with an unlimited maximum network rate (sv_maxrate 0) and maximum update rate of 50. My client runs at 120 FPS (double-VSync'd) too. I don't really have an expert knowledge of the Source engine under the hood as I'm more of a GoldSrc engine user. Please do let me know if you would like any further information about the game server or its' underlying system/hardware.
As for not losing equipment: Yep I could easily just put our money in the ATM and restart the map, or even just use the "givepoints" cheat so we could buy exactly the same equipment we had again. We do have quite a lot of produce backstock though, so ideally we'd like to be able to have the map continuously running as there isn't an entity state save yet. Alternatively would you be aware of a plug-in (for SourceMod) that can manipulate entities and/or provide a command to directly trigger entities by their target name? I could easily restore our farm to this state with something like that.
Finally thanks for giving us Obisidan Conflict for free. We really enjoy the Harvest map especially, and have good times on Paysan too. I would put money on this being an issue with the underlying Source engine anyway, and not Obsidian Conflict. No blame/complaint is coming your way from me at all. (as one of the leading developers for Sven Co-op I fully appreciate the amount of work that goes into games like these