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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:53 pm
by Neico
sorry but this time i have to fully agree to vasili even i would rather kill him...

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:37 pm
by TheMoon
Vasili wrote: PVK2 is like Age of chivarly, infact they should merge.

I take it you haven't played both, have you?
Also PVK2 gets Steamworks support soon, too. Which might be a good sign since it means valve don't really mind multiple Steamworks mods sharing similar concecpts.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:23 am
by Mr. Someguy
Vasili wrote:Empires sucks.
Synergy Sucks
Source forts sucks
PVK2 is like Age of chivarly, infact they should merge.
Stargate was only good on tv (Amanda Tapping FTW)
Dystopia is worth being put on steam.
Obsidian conflict should replace Synergy.
Holy crap I think I'm actually going to agree with you for once. :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:16 pm
by fug4life
So I finally realised, I can filter all the new mods, even though I've installed none of them.

I was quite sickened by what I saw.

Synergy hundereds of servers & players.

Age of Chiv, Zp:S & Insurgency, just had a ridiculous amount of players.

I heard dip was almost dead, well thats alive and kicking now!

What still makes me laugh, I've been playing Dystopia & true alot of their players are in beta, but your lucky if you fill 1 server or 2 max.

DYSTOPIA is king! It desrves Moar!

I'm very eager to see if with each steam release now, the 'player surge' will be less and less. Otherwise your just repackaging old stuff.
It's like when steam used to give you the news updates you actually bothered to read them (flashing media before your eye how can we resist). Now most people dont bother to read and click right on past.
I think these first five will still benefit the most more than any follow.
The novelty will warethin.

I'm expecting the next release to be not so varied (gameplay wise)
and mark my words your see Fortress Forever go Head to Head with Dystopia.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:13 pm
by Vasili
fug4life wrote: I'm expecting the next release to be not so varied (gameplay wise)
and mark my words your see Fortress Forever go Head to Head with Dystopia.
And we'll crawl to the crown in our ghillie suits?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:15 pm
by sgae
i can't understand why synershit has tons of players when that mod is the pure shit (it was shit in the old ep1 engine version but now sucks more because they removed all their new created/stolen stuff), for not having fun i can't have fun with retarded bugs like killing team mates with roller mines, jeeps, random props or ravenholm door :lmao: .

To play synershit better i go hl2dm and play idiot jsc coop/puzzle maps because all syn maps are shit (and now sure EVERY SYN MAP will requiere all OB games, just to frak arround and help valve faggots to get their money)

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:27 pm
by shiftey
I downloaded synergy the other day and played one game then uninstalled it.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:41 pm
by Keychain
ronjonsh wrote:I downloaded synergy the other day and played one game then uninstalled it.
Your first mistake was installing it. :roll: