Merging OBSIDIAN with another MOD

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Merging OBSIDIAN with another MOD

Post by fustrun »

Hey all.

Well my question is this, me and my brother want to make our own special "Mod" to play on LAN, in that mod i would like to add some weapons from SMOD or maybe from some other mod to play the campaing from HL:S and HL2, they can also just be added from a console command . . so bottom line HL2/HL1 Co-op with more and Realistic weapons, is it possible ?

Thx in advance
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Post by Q_Q »

You can add custom weapons into Obsidian Conflict.
Without any "merging".
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Post by fustrun »

thx for the reply :)

Well got SC:S weapons in, now i have 2 questions :P

If possible how do i add the SMOD weapons as custom weapons and will it add the special features like ironsights ?

and is there any way to make the CS weapons spawn in the HL:S and HL2 campaign maps randomly ? like pickups or drops from enemy npc's ?

and last one i just had, it seems that the CS:S AUG has no zoom in alt fire, is it supose to be this way ?

thx again
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Post by fustrun »

Or just replace som scritp that wherever a crossbow should spawn an AUG spawns instead or something . .

And some CS weapons are missing in the custom weapons file (couldn't find the USP) thx again guys . .
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Post by Q_Q »

You can make pretty much any bullet weapon. With ironsights.
And you can place them on map in addition to normal items with MAP ADD system.
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Post by Blues »

There already are ironsights in OC. People just don't use them much, because they currently have no advantage. Once I was playing on an "ironsights only very hard HL² campaign" server where the crosshair was disabled and you had to use the ironsights. That was fun. Not for the AR2 with all the missing faces though, lol.

Your other aim could be achieved with mapadd scripts.

Well, just like Q_Q said, you can make any bullet weapon (and some grenades maybe), even with custom ammo so it doesn't use smg1 or ar2 ammo. I've never played SMOD, so I don't know what weapons there are, but don't expect any fancy stuff like flamethrowers or whatever from custom scripts.
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Post by fustrun »

So how exactly that MAP ADD script works and where can i find it ? is there any tutorial you can link ?

I dont use the ironsigths in OC because i use custom models and they don't work well with them.

Well i guess i can ditch the SMOD idea just use CS's weapons wanted it for the Irosights but CS offers sexy custom models ^^

So basically any info on MAP ADD to add CS:S weapons on SP campaings and any info on adding custom ammo for them aswell would be appriciated.

And i can't find the USP pistol in the custom weapon scripts and the aug can't use the scop, is that normal ?

thx in advance again for the replys :)
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Post by Blues » ... .php?t=160

Custom ammo needs to be set up in the mapadd, too. Anyways, look at the file "How to set up custom ammo.txt" in your obsidian/Obsidian SDK folder for that. The OC wiki might be helpful, too.
Last edited by Blues on Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Neico »

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Post by Blues »

Haha, thank you :P
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Post by fustrun »

Well, i basically worked with the UT engine and i created a mutator that just switched inventory classes . . like a code of if a "Crossbow" wants to spawn then destroy it and spawn "custom_shotgun" instead . . is there some way like this instead of decompiling the maps and switch everything manualy ?

And any word on the USP and the AUG, defenetly some weapons missing.

thx :)
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Post by fug4life »

You can look at this tutorial here: ... .php?t=160

If your serious about it then you should learn to use this mapadd generator program to write your scripts comparing a re-named copy of your decompiled map .bsp in .vmf format with the edited copy of your decompiled map .bsp in .vmf format. So basically it compares the changes you've made hammer and the will compare the two .vmf files and generate a script for you.

The program can be downloaded here: ... php?t=1432

The basics of a mapadd is that it is a .txt file script located in your obsidian\maps\cfg folder. The text file must point to the name of the map you are editing so for a hl2 map it would look something like this: d1_canals_01_modify.txt So basiaclly always mapname_modify.txt The script is used to either add entities, remove entities or modify them.

Please note that some brush based entities (if not most of them) cannot be edited in this way.
Also you should note that template entities cannot either.

Now before you go all crazy with this you should not that some things like adding weapons to players when they spawn (Spawn items) and custom ammo and custom soundscripts can be added without even the use of hammer.

Now I'll get straight to the point and help you with whta you actually wanted.

The Half Life 2 campaign as well as others has already meen mapadded to allow for obsidian conflict gameplay. So if you are just looking to add custom weapons to the players as they spawn in the map then this is the easiest way to approach what you want.

Simply go to your obsidian\maps\cfg folder open up one of the HL2 modify scripts in note pad and scroll to the bottom where you will see a list of SpawnItems

Here is an example of a CS:S weapon added to the list:

Code: Select all

"custom_ump45" "1"

Thats it!

To find the names of the other CS:S weapons scripts go to your obsidian\scripts\customweapons folder.

If you actually wanted the weapons to be found lying around in the maps then you need to create your modify scripts using the fisrt process involving the .vmf files and the generator program. Basically you would place a weapon_scripted into the map using hammer and point the entity to the name of the custom script using the entities object properties.
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Post by fug4life »

The custom_aug script has a working scope, btw so I dont know why its not working for you?
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Post by fustrun »

Amagad, well first thanks for this long post :)
i'll see what i'll do.

So last few questions are, some weapons are missing such as the dual elites, USP, and some weapons don't have the special abilities like scopes and stuff, is it normal or it is just me. and can it be fixed ?

or was it fixed in 1.4 ?
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Post by fustrun »

Get a "Dead" click when i alt fire
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