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[Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:10 pm
by zFabi
Hello Everybody,
I need some help with my game models because the other players on nearly every server I play on are invisible I don't even see my own player after death.
It pisses me off because It's nearly impossible to play coop if you only see floating flashlights (okay this sounds hilarious).
I really need a solution because even reinstalling or as others told me rejoining didn't help.
By the way on another server it told me the model folder isn't in the right place it was the first start after install.

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:28 am
by fug4life
Hi, I've had this once or twice in old versions of OC, two questions for you:

1) do you have an ATI graphics card?

2) Did you play a map before the invisible player problem and after changing maps it happened (thinking it might be a point_view_control not being disabled at end of previous map)

Edit though the second would mean you only have this problem once or twice not all the time.

My money is on the ATI graphics card!

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:47 pm
by Neico
exact my tought.

and this is where I get off again as that doesn't have to bother me anymore ;)

maybe I'll add that ati thing to the bugtracker later just so that you can link people with the problem to it in the future...

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:14 pm
by zFabi
Yes I have got an ATI grfics card a newer one when do you think this problem should get solved ? Because I myself love playing obsidian conflict this problem first happened in this release the previous one hadn't got this one problem.
First of all thanks for your help

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:47 pm
by Andrax17
go to mod options and check 'static mounting' (ati fix) and then it should be fixed

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:06 pm
by zFabi
Sorry but I had this done I'm playing OC for a long time now everytime on ATI
and by the way I uploaded a screenshot of my console it has something to do with the models


Edit: I think of a corrupted installer but I downloaded it 2 times from the OC server same problem maybe I should try the one from moddb??

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:29 pm
by fug4life
Ignore what Andrax said, keep the static fix 'unchecked\unticked' and load oc_lobby or another non-mount map when you start the mod, then once the map has loaded you can either continue to load a mount required map using: changelevel mountrequiredmapname. Or just disconnect and the you are free to join a server, no graphics glitches.
You'll have Dynamic mounting for the remainding period while you have the mod open.

Thats how you do it for now, wait for the fix in the next version, but why wait use the above method for now!

Edit: These will be my dying last words...

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:32 pm
by zFabi
Thanks :) Hope It gets fixed soon.
EDIT: Doesn't work -.-
But I've got an idea how to fix it maybe would someone please send me his/her models folder for the playermodels I just think mine are corrupted and the installer fraks it everytime.

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:44 pm
by Datastream
If that's the case. Try n verify hl2 games?

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 pm
by Andrax17
fug4life wrote:Ignore what Andrax said, keep the static fix 'unchecked\unticked'
well the ati fix worked for me when i had ati card.. i never experienced any single glitch ever in OC when i had it checked.

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:04 pm
by fug4life
If you have a very old ATI graphics card 4 years or more, then you wouldn't experience the bug.

Anyhow, I think he's just installed his 'custom' player models incorrectly.

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:08 pm
by Shana
try verifying game cache of all HL2 games

Re: [Invisible Players] Really Annoying Bug

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:09 pm
by zFabi
fug4life wrote:If you have a very old ATI graphics card 4 years or more, then you wouldn't experience the bug.

Anyhow, I think he's just installed his 'custom' player models incorrectly.
I used the addons thingy I can see custom ones as I said before so now I think I'll verify every hl2/source game on my pc