Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

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Miss Eleksin
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Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Miss Eleksin »

Ok guys I need your help with my essays for one of my college classes. I need to write about a community I am a part of and it seemed the gaming community would be the best fit. Now this is where you guys come in! I need you to fill out my little survey here in full, coherent sentences (Proper english please) and as detailed as possible. If english is not your first language don't worry if you make mistakes, just as long as I can read it and understand what you are trying to say. Also I would like to ask permission to use your real names. You can PM me if you dont want to post it here or you can simple just give me the username you would like to be referred to. I will not share your real name with anyone else if you do let me use it.

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?

2.What do you look for in a good game?

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.

[EDIT}4.What do you look for in games when searching for something new to play? (I guess I was trying to ask if your search by game ratings, genres, recommendations from friends, etc.)

5.What genre of game is your favorite?

6.What is your favorite game?

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)

Thank you for taking the time to do this, it really helps me! Any answers given after Sunday will not be used so please so this as soon as you can.
Last edited by Miss Eleksin on Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Azure Edge »

(You know my real name, so go ahead and use my full name)

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?

25+ hours per week, could be more or less depending on how much time I spend with my real life commitments

2.What do you look for in a good game?

In a game meant for a single player, I look for immersion. Music that matches the overall theme of the game, a story that would make me reflect on my own life and change my views on it, and a wonderful art direction to translate that story into a moving portrait that I could manipulate are the most important parts of a single player game to me. After that would be how much fun I would have playing it, and if the gameplay would justify the amount of money I paid for it.

In a multiplayer game, my focuses are the community, and the gameplay. I play multiplayer games to be social with others, and hopefully make friends in the process. I view multiplayer games to be a hub containing people with common interests, making it significantly easier to find friends that could possibly be with me for the rest of my life. The second focus, gameplay, is self explanatory. If it isn't fun, there is not a lot of reason to play it.

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.

A good game to me is one that successfully breaks out of the mold to try something that other games have not done, or failed to successfully execute. A good example of this would be Dance Dance Revolution. Dance Dance Revolution was definitely a big revolution in not only the gaming industry, but also physical education. I consider Dance Dance Revolution to be the first rhythm game to become extremely successful, with its catchy music and innovative way to motivate people to exercise.

4.What do you look for in games when searching for something new to play?

I look for a game that is either a fresh and new idea, or a game that improves an older innovative idea. A good example would be the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. Those two systems made touch and motion based gameplay extremely popular, and were more than welcome to my video game interests.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?

I do not have a specific favorite, but I enjoy:
a) MMORPGs - MMORPGs are full of social interaction, and it is enjoyable to meet new people through a game, as you would be more likely to have common interest with other players.

b) SHMUPs - These games require twitch reflexes, and the ability to react to a situation within mere seconds. These games require a lot of practice, and reward you for doing so.

c) Visual novels - These games are fantastic if they have compelling stories. The best ones will have the ability to change a player's view on his/her life.

d) Rhythm games - As with SHMUPs, these games usually require good reflexes, and a lot of practice. The added bonus is the good music they usually offer.

6.What is your favorite game?

I don't have a specific favorite, but my three favorites are:
a) EVE Online - When hundreds of thousands of players are pushed into the same expansive universe together, they are given many choices. Would they form up with other players on a quest for more than just world domination, or fly alone as a lone mercenary? The possibilities are endless, and every action the player makes can have an effect on every other player in the game, thus broadening the social interaction with others players.

b) The iDOLM@STER - This game is heavily focused more on story than gameplay. The player chooses to work with a girl who aspires to be the #1 pop idol in Japan, and in the process of training her, the player will learn more about their personality, and their personality will make drastic changes as the player guides her not only through her career, but through many lessons about life. I personally use this game as a driving motivation for me to learn the Japanese language, considering the countless hours of studying could be useful for other things.

c) DoDonPachi series - These games are more about gameplay than a story, though a very dark and disturbing backstory exists in the game. DoDonPachi is a series of Japanese-style arcade shooters that heavily depend on a player's ability to react to situations and respond accordingly within the time frame of mere seconds. Players must fly and navigate their aircraft through patterns of enemy gunfire, while keeping their guns firing as well. I like this game and its genre due to it being the perfect example of "practice makes perfect". There is no secret to becoming good at these kinds of games unless you practice, practice, and practice more.

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?

I consider the story to be more important. I always found it difficult to read books or watch movies just because I wouldn't be able to put myself in any of the characters' perspectives. With a game, I can put myself in the main character's shoes, experience his life as if it were my own, and if the story is compelling, have a new view on my life and how I should approach problems in the future. Having good gameplay is just an added bonus.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)

I feel that mindless gaming would be the task of doing repetitive tasks in a game (A.K.A. grinding), such as repeatedly winning easy battles to gain levels. A game is meant to be enjoyed, and doing a mindless and dull task is rather hard to be considered enjoyable. I'd rather spend my time in an online game in a town talking with other players than being on the battlefield and mindlessly slashing monsters.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)

Almost every online game that I have played for over a year, I came out with a few friends that I still talk to even to this day. These people taught me a lot of things about life, and refined my personality to be in a more mature state at a younger age.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?

I believe many people overreact over video games, especially when their "thorough research" consisted of watching a few videos instead of playing the actual game. However, there are a few people who do legitimate research, and play some video games themselves that may have reasonable arguments, such as Lawrence Kutner and his book, "Grand Theft Childhood".

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)

Video games have played a major impact in my life, as video games played some role in how I met almost all of my friends. These friends helped me learn more about life and its many mysteries. In addition to this, most of the typing I've had to do in online games helped me learn how to properly spell words, use correct grammar, etc.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by MasterofPuppets »

1. I'd say 91 hours in a week.

2. Gameplay. I enjoy the way the game is played, rather than focusing on how it works.

3. I would say Portal. Portal has great platforming mechanics and requires you to actually think instead of just running through like an idiot.

4. Like I'd said before, I look for gameplay, rather than how the game looks

5. Either platforming or adventure games.

6. I have a lot of favorites. My current is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

7. Gameplay definitely. Stories are fun and all, but I like to get involved with the game instead of just seeing so much dialogue and not being able to do much.

8. I would define mindless gaming into the First-Person shooter category. I'm not saying all are bad, but most require simply that you shoot everything in your way and nothing more. It just doesn't make you think.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)

10. I believe it's just people overreacting. Most who have any fears about the game just haven't ever played or have been involved.

11. I believe that gaming has definitely affected my life in some ways, most good and some bad. I've met many friends in online gaming and I've had so much fun. But it is kind of in the way of very important things most of the time.

Also, I'm fine with being quoted.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Linkmister »

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?

36+, hard to say.

2.What do you look for in a good game?

I am looking for not only solid gameplay, but also a good story, something to keep me going.

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.

A good game would include not only very addicting gameplay, but also a story that appeals to your emotion, I have played way too many games where the plot was meh to me (Black Ops for example) I like games that keep me hooked until the very end and wanting me to go play through them a second time. Medal of Honor is an example of this, I really enjoyed the gameplay and the story really kept me hooked since it was, well, real. All games need a reason to keep going.

4.What do you look for in games?

Quality > Quanity, that about sums it up.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?

FPS, MMORPGs, and Racing games such as Need for Speed.

6.What is your favorite game?

I honestly don't have one, It's hard to choose a favorite over the many I have played.

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?

Gameplay, you could have an amazing story, but if the gameplay falls short then It's going to be really hard to overlook that flaw.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)

In short, the Call of Duty series as it is now. Before the game USED to about thinking about each maneuver. Now that it has become main-stream (yes their was a game before CoD 4.) Now the A.I. is just mindless, the story is extremely stupid, and earning a kill in MP isn't rewarding at all, It's just LOL KILL DIS KILL DAT OMG NUKE AWSUM.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)

Hands down, Medal of Honor, mostly because the guys in this game are real guys, they told their stories and I understand how much of a painful experience that must be if you were a Ranger or even a Tier 1 operator, and the *SPOILER RIGHT HERE FOLKS* ending of the game, where Rabbit, a Tier 1 operator you played as through the whole game dies of blood loss after all he endured to try and rescue his two squad members (he jumped out of a moving chopper, got hit by the blast radius of an RPG twice, shot in the leg, jumped off a cliff breaking most bones in his body, and being tortured.) once he died, I felt so much more respect for our soldiers than ever before, and I respected what they do A LOT. In addition, the development team felt it needed to feature a little paragraph at the end of the game, honoring not only our current troops in Afghanistan, but the troops who have served in war's past, I thought that was really cool and I will never forget it.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?

Definatly over-reacting, just because some kid plays Dead Space, doesn't mean he's gonna go kill everyone he sees, or curb stomp every single body, It's just ridiculous.

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)

Games have not just help me become friends with many wonderful people, they have also helped me decide on what I want to do with my life, become a Video game animator, something I am pursuing with a passion. Games have served as a sort of way to relax and vent out the day's troubles.
Last edited by Linkmister on Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Andrax17 »

Well real name is Joel...idk if you need full name(?)

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?
*usually about 50+ hours.

2.What do you look for in a good game?
*Story and gameplay

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.
*Good game is something that has lots of replay value, good gameplay, good story and doesent focus too much on single aspects if the game has many.

4.What do you look for in games?
*Mostly fun.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?
*I dont really have one favourite genre at all, only favourite game's. I guess closest to my favourite genres are: RPG(JRPG), SHMUP, FPS and MMORPG

6.What is your favorite game?
*Tales of Vesperia and Touhou

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want but keep it coherent.)
*Uh, i dont think i really have any definitions for that, ive never tought about it.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)
*I never really get emotionally connected to games, nor learn anything. I guess the main thing i learn from games, is english.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?
*Overreacting.. a lot, games alone dont affect human mind in a bad way in my opinion, people who do something bad and blame video games probably usually have other reasons behind it too.

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)
*Ive got lots of friends in game's, multiplayer games of course and im really happy about it. Also i think that since ive always been on my PC for most of my time, it shaped me into what i am now. Most of my friends and other teenagers in here that hangs around in groups, turns out to be "gangsters" and they smoke and drink (thats what i always see in my school). I never had groups like that, because i spent most of my time on games, it prevented me from becoming one of them. Instead, im pretty silent nowdays and really calm, friendly, i dont smoke nor drink and im a nice guy.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Arkusas »

Real name Vincent. (no last name for you :c)
1.How many hours a week do you play video games?

2.What do you look for in a good game?
I expect a game to be worth its money, for one thing. I'm not spending 60 dollars for a game that has zero replayability. A good game should also have a gripping storyline that gives me a reason to play it, or alternatively, it shouldn't have a story at all. Save the princess from evil? Sure. Stack bricks for no reason at all? Great.
3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.
I take it this question is all about marketing and whatnot, so I'll say this: A good game should be able to distract its players from doing other things, or at least take up a large part of the day. It should be a time sink of sorts. Also, it's gotta have diversity in gender, race and whatnot.
4.What do you look for in games?
I look for good gameplay in a game. Graphics are just gravy.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?
I would say RPG. Though FPS games are pretty much all I play now, there's nothing more nostalgiac to me than playing an RPG like FF9 or Chrono Trigger. There's just something about being immersed in an entire other world that's fascinating to me.

6.What is your favorite game?
Legend of Mana. The gameplay is classic RPG, though combat is much like Tales of Symphonia. After doing key quests, you place new worlds on the world map to venture to. At some point, you get to choose between 3 different plots: first is protecting a race of people who have precious jewels as their hearts from jewel hunters who kill them for profit. Second would be accidentally killing elder dragons under a master, and fighting him as a way of atonement. Last, but not least, is being a neutral person in a Romeo and Juliet scenario between a priest from the aptly named Holy Knights, and a strong but immature demon. Though considered average compared to other classics like Chrono Cross (and for good reason: the mission-based gameplay really broke up the plot), the fact that you can go through 3 separate, beautifully written plots in one game (and still feel sad for all of them, dammit!) is amazing.

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?
I would consider gameplay to be more important. A good story can be found in other forms of media, like books or television. But innovative gameplay, such as the kind in Portal? That just doesn't exist anywhere else.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want but keep it coherent.)
Mindless gaming? I've never encountered this term before, but if I had to define it, I'd say it would be when someone is playing/hating a game for the wrong reasons. For example, someone playing HL2 just to kill stuff would not be enjoying the game for what it really is, an immersive FPS in which you rebel against an oppressive dictator. Assuming the worst, we can have instances of people criticizing videogames for being what they are. Mindless gaming could also be when you play a game when you have something better to do, like work or exercise.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)
MMORPG's taught me to type fast... Ha! In all seriousness, games have been able to teach me plenty of things, like morals, how to react in certain situations, and just random tidbits of historical information. I mean, most games nowadays will let me choose between being good or evil, right?

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?

I believe they don't have any grounds whatsoever. The misconceptions made by people that don't play videogames happen for a perfectly good reason, sure, but that doesn't stop them from being wrong. To begin with, most of the misconceptions are just that: misconceptions. For instance, that one time Fox News thought Mass Effect has full frontal nudity and scenes with sexual content in them. Did the content in question exist? No. Did they think it existed? yes, and that's all that matters to the common parent, even though it was just a common misconception made by a giant news company. Also, regarding the people who are scared of games making their kids violent - are they blind? Do they not see the "M FOR MATURE" symbol in the game box? In the end, it's just videogames being a great scapegoat for things like violent behaviour and whatnot. (the real culprit is bad parenting)

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)
Without games? I probably wouldn't be the person I am today. It's crazy, but without games, I would have never become interested in classical music, or any genre of music for that matter. I wouldn't be enjoying music like I do nowadays, and of course, without games, I would have never met my friends and this lovely forum community.
Last edited by Arkusas on Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Philosogamer »

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?
25+ Hours
2.What do you look for in a good game?
I look for a good, live community; a good replay value and good initial play through.
3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.
I would consider a good game something that captivates and stimulates ones sense of awareness. It should appeal to ones mind either, comically, quizzically, stimulating or holding capturing both areas of brain activity.
4.What do you look for in games?
Something that's tolerably playable, and not a simple rinse and repeat action.
5.What genre of game is your favorite?
I prefer Real Time Strategy games.
6.What is your favorite game?
My favorite game is Age of the Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion.
7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?
Game play, as story is just something to help sweeten the deal.
8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)

Mindless gaming is playing with just one continuous action, with little variation in actual play and skill. Racing games now have customization of the actual vehicles performance to help drag it away from a mundane action. These games are something that helps to slow reactions, while puzzle and strategy games help to stimulate your mind.
9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)
I've come away with the satisfaction of completing the puzzle game Portal, created by the company Valve, as one piece. I have also come to the realization of how my actions do effect people I may not have even met before from the games Dragon Age:Origins and Fable III, but these games are, unfortunately, slandered for sexuality that has always been included in art forms but are viewed as immature. This poses the question if this is considered immature, then are the works in the Renaissance containing nudity immature?
10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?
People overreact about the sexuality, because they think that if it's showing nudity then it's not appropriate at all. Let's say it's relevant to the background of the character, then is it immature? Is an element in the development in characters depicting romances between characters immature? How can an art advance and mature when it is still being shunned and treated as a nothing more than senseless entertainment? It can not, and should be treated more for what it is, art.
The violence does slightly alter my aggressiveness, but not enough to influence my livelihood.
11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)
It has slightly altered my person to be more aggressive, but it has also made me more pensive and questioning. This has made me more aware of my surroundings, and allowed me to observe more with ease.
Last edited by Philosogamer on Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Miss Eleksin »

Guys you need to give me more details, just one sentence answers aren't good, especially for something like favorite game. Please tell me why you like it so much as well. I need as much info as you guys can give. You can just edit your original post but be sure to add more to it before sunday please.

As for names, it would be preferable if it was first and last names, otherwise I will use your first name and your username standing in place of your last nice if that's ok with you guys.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Azure Edge »

Fixed my post up. It's a pretty big wall of text, but I hope it will suffice.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Miss Eleksin »

It is the most beautiful wall of text ever. This is exactly what I need!
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Datastream »

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?
It generally depends on the workload that holds me down. If the homework permits it, I can play up to 45 hours per week. But generally speaking it'd be around 25 hours considering what I have to do for school and such.

2.What do you look for in a good game?
Gameplay. Gameplay that intrigues me, that is satisfying to play. I want a game to slap me in the face and challenge me to beat it. Amnesia is a good example. It slapped you straight across the face with spooky stuff but you just suck that up and keep going until suddenly it hugs you and tells you it's over. Sometimes though, I just want to mindlessly PWN THEM BITCHES like in Call of Duty or Quake. It really depends on my mood. But overall a good game needs to have, what I think is good, "meaningful play".

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.
A good game is a game like World of Warcraft, Call of Duty's Recent series (I'll elaborate), Fallout: New Vegas, Amnesia and Deus Ex. Each has their own meaningful play but executed correctly.
- World of Warcraft allows you to progress in the world that is shared with others to become one of the best. This concept of getting better is shared in Fallout New Vegas. The difference is that in World of Warcraft you start to become better than other real humans. Instinctively appealing.
- Call of Duty has the same idea but much simpler. With it's quick gameplay and levelling up to get new weapons and features it makes you keep playing it. Although there are many games of it now and it's considered a bad game. It is actually good. There is a reason so many people play it. You can get all elitist and say it sucks. But most people who say that either never played it without a bias or never played it at all.
- Fallout: New Vegas is another rpg. As such it plays in on the instinct of getting better. The story is great and it compels you to progress further along with levelling up.
- Amnesia is a top notch horror game. You can't defend yourself with anything and if the monster spots you... You're pretty much dead at that point. This feeling of vulnerability helps strengthen the dark and scary atmosphere the game holds. If you didn't get scared of games like FEAR and Doom 3. Then this game is for you.
- Deus Ex is generally viewed to be one of the games with the best stories ever. Rightfully so. It's intricate gameplay along with it's elaborate storytelling gives it a high replayability value. You can choose multiple ways to the goal and all are correct.

4.What do you look for in games when searching for something new to play? (I guess I was trying to ask if your search by game ratings, genres, recommendations from friends, etc.)
I look at the genre, trailer and listen to other people on their opinions. This is includes reviews and friends. Out of all this I conclude whether or not I think a game is worth playing.
I give any game a chance to appeal to me. Also I don't exactly go looking for new games. I just browse around until somewhere I see this new game is coming out. I don't need a new game so they have to be trying real hard to appeal to me.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?
I suppose First Person Shooter. But that is not exactly true since in games like Amnesia and Penumbra you have no guns. So generally speaking I'd say First Person X. Where X can be anything. Third person shooters generally tend to suck. Just Cause and Red Faction Guerilla are good examples of that. So is Global Agenda.
But apart from FPS I also really enjoy RTS.

6.What is your favorite game?
I don't have a favorite game because it changes over time. But there are a couple of games I will always hold dear. Powersilde, Deus Ex, Amnesia, Half Life, FEAR and Starcraft to name a few.

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?
Tough question because both assets contribute to a good game. But generally speaking I'd say that gameplay is more important. If the story sucks and gameplay is good like in, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, you still play it because it's fun. But if the story is good but gameplay sucks, you start to automatically dislike the story because it is connected to the gameplay.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)
Mindless gaming? As in run and gun don't think just shoot? I suppose they can be fun. I say can because they're not always fun. Just Cause 2 wasn't fun.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)
Yea. A lot of times. Scary games leave you with nightmares for one night. Games with very good gameplay and story leave you wanting for more and if something sad happens. I'll feel incredibly sad. I've had that happen before with 1 game. But I can't put my finger on it at this moment. Might come back and edit for it.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?
Overreacting and trying to blame something other than their selves. Ultimately the reason the school shooting happens is because they are: Almost always male, Very Depressed and just want revenge at that point. When they get caught, they realize what they have done and try to lower their jail times. So they blame a media that is available to everyone and which has violence in it. The video games. So the parents and bull shit institutions start throwing fire at the video games. Saying that is corrupting the children. That it's teaching them bad things. That it turns them into anti social homicidal maniacs. All of this is bullshit. Because I say it turns us into more social people. And that it teaches you jack shit unless it's a Learning Game. I bet you hundred dollars that if you give, a little kid that has been playing these games, a gun to shoot with at shooting range. That kid is gonna either cry or not like it. Or he's already corrupted by the parents who think gun control is good.
So in the end it's not the games fault. It's how the kid deals with the games and that depends on the kids' environment. I.e. their parents.

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)
Well a lot since it's my hobby. Which I do a lot. With friends in LAN parties or with friends on the internet. Sometimes I play too much and then homework is pushed back. But I keep up with it when necessary. My parents get angry about it and tell me it's because I'm addicted. But that is not true.
That would mean that as soon as I'm at school, I can do nothing but think about it. Or that when I'm on vacation I'll just bake in my tent wanting to go home. Not happening. Unless I've done everything there is to do at that place and get bored.
Although I think that not just games but more generally speaking computers are the bigger influence. I don't only play games.
Summary: It has influenced my life a lot as it has other peoples lives. Though I don't only play games. I do love them a lot and they will always be important in my life.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by MaestraFénix »

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?

Approximately 40 hours, 60 hours if i´m in holidays (in fact is random, depends of the amount of homework that i have, or according to my emotions).

2.What do you look for in a good game?

Depends on the type of game. If is a FPS (First Person Shooter), i want a mix of good gameplay (i want fun) and story (in singleplayer, in multiplayer doesn´t matter). If is a sports game (like Football (Soccer in US), Car racing, tennis...) i want realism. For Adventure games, graphics and puzzles, and for RPG games, story.

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.

For all the games with a story, that games that have a good quality in the story (dialogues, main plot, plot development), with a combination of great music (depending on the scene), that makes you cry, smile, sad, funny...etc

For multiplayer games, that games where you do not mind losing or winning, but fun.

4.What do you look for in games when searching for something new to play?

I read magazines and websites about all the new games, also i hear the recommendations of my friends. Basically, a game that looks fun, with a good graphics and have a well-made plot (and if it have multiplayer).

5.What genre of game is your favorite?

In this order: FPS, RPGS/Adventure, Social games (like Wii party or DDR), simulation/racing (like Burnout or Ace Combat).

6.What is your favorite game?

It´s hard to say what is the best game for me. I love the following:

Half-Life saga (FPS games)
The World Ends With You (RPG game)
Kingdom Hearts saga (RPG game)
Ace Combat 5 The Unsung war & Ace Combat 0 The Belkan War (Military aircraft simulation).

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?

In a singleplayer game, Story. In a multiplayer game, gameplay. If both were executed well in a game will be a one of these perfect games.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’?

That games where you are playing and don´t know what are you doing, for example, a FPS singleplayer game where you only are killing enemies without any reason, or a RPG game that their story is full of senseless. Generally, that type of games have a poor quality (with some exceptions, like the typical game of a great company), and receive the worst notes and comments.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something?

Well, i've been learning English since I was 3 years because all the games we had at that time were in English, so little by little I learned on my own. Also, some games taught that is better think first before acting, or the importance of listen.

And in lesser extent, i´m learning about the different cultures around the world, and their customs, their way of being...etc.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?

The 99% of the times are exaggeration or epic failure of the information given by the media. People that don´t have any knowledge about the games can´t review it unless they search the complete information about them.

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person?

Helps me relax my mind from the work of every day, can meet and talk with different persons around the world, and have contributed to make me a more social person, with lots of knowledge.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by destiny »

full name:stefan scott ramkisoen.

1.How many hours a week do you play video games?
id say around 21 hours if i take it easy or if there isnt a new game i want to finish.

2.What do you look for in a good game?
i look for a good story line with interesting and fun to play gameplay so that the game stays fun and good to play.

3.What would you consider a good game? Explain how it should appeal to people.
a good game is one that stays fun to play even after playing it through once or twice one that always stil has some surpises left.

4.What do you look for in games when searching for something new to play? (I guess I was trying to ask if your search by game ratings, genres, recommendations from friends, etc.)
most of the time i just browse the web looking for random games and if i find something thats interesting i look up the information thats avaible and if a friend advises something i also look it up if its interesting.

5.What genre of game is your favorite?
adventure getting to see what type of world your walking in while playing a game gives the feeling of what kind of game your playing and thus makes it easier to blend with the story line.

6.What is your favorite game?
if i had to choose of all the games i played id say id be the first ratchet and clank.
the reason is simple its a game with many worlds its replayability proves fun and the story line is fun and also serious.

7.What do you consider more important, story or gameplay, if both were executed well in a game?
i say story cause even if the gameplay is good if the story doesnt make any sense then how would you know why the game would be going that way.

8.How would you define ‘mindless gaming’? (I need as much info as you can possibly give me on this. Feel free to vent as much as you want
but keep it coherent.)
id say mindless gaming would mean a person playing games the hole day without having any contact with any one else or ever going outside of his or her house completly abandoning all contact with the outside world and not even talking with others.

9.Have you ever come away from a game with something? (It can be you learned something (this can be anything relevant to the real world), or were just emotionally connected to the game. Please elaborate)
i gues the thing i learned the most from games was english language. most of the games were always in english and i played them alot and that way improving my english reading.

10.Do you think many of the misconceptions and fears about video games have grounds or is it people overreacting about something they don’t know about?
i think there overreacting. poeple fear what they dont know and they dont really know how that gamers know the diference between a game and reall life.

11.Lastly, how important have games been in your life and how have they affected you as a person? (Tell me as much as you are comfortable with being quoted in an essay)
thanks to games i got to know the online internet world and thus meeting alot of poeple. i gues you could say they expanded my horizon on the world and the poeple living in it.
anime watcher and manga reader and doesnt care what others think of it.
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Miss Eleksin »

Today is the last day! Be sure that if you want to change/add anything you do it now!
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Re: Eleksin's essay questionaire Part 1

Post by Arkusas »

I fixed mine up a bit, but I really couldn't think of much to add without just bloating it with irrelevant things. sorry :<
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