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OC_NERV -A- Walkthrough

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:13 pm
by MaestraFénix
Note: I divided the map into four parts. Some people maybe consider increase the amount of parts, but due there arent defined "the parts", everything depends into personal opinion.
OC_Nerv -A-


First part: Central Dogma

"Attention Nerv personnel. This is ...(jack on/netcom?)... standing for operations commander as (a rocky?). Call sign (Kurovino?). All personnel (?) battlestations. The JSSDF ...(?)... a full scale invasion. I repeat, the JSSDF has (begun?) a full scale invasion. This is not a trial. All personnel (to red alert?). (Prime ejector stand corner Nerv vessel as a bsp?). Defend North (Data/Beta?) and evacuate all personnel at all cost."

You will spawn in the first "floor" of the command center. There is a door behind you. Passes through it. Go up the stairs to your right leading down and push the button. The door of the Armory will open. Pick up all the weapons, ammunition and full recharge your H.E.V. suit. Retrace your steps and go to the stairs of left leading down to go to the "radio" room. Once you are inside of it, after the explanation about what is happening, a countdown will start. Prepare yourself.

Note: If you broke the grid of the right next to the room, and enter in it through it, you will enable the hard mode.

Position of the player and enemy spawn/The Armory/The corridor to the elevator

Once the countdown ends, the enemy will come. They appears from below and from above. The Nerv personnel will do everything that they can to defend Central Dogma, but they will die very quickly due the high damage that makes the enemy, so stay alert. For avoid successive deaths, get cover always, and if you take damage, go inmediatly to the Armory and restore your health and Energy.

After killing 6 waves of enemies, the doors of the left below will blow. Move with caution, because more soldiers come from there. Fight in the corridor (be careful with the explosive barrels) and kill the assasin that there is in the elevator. You arent allowed to leave the facilities yet, so take the elevator and push the button to descent.

Second part: Offices

Damm, the elevator is broken, (?) a key commander card in his office, but the main power in your sector is down and (the shipments got loose?) , and you´ll be facing the human angel (hybrid?) experiments that Nerv team was working on. (I know that this hell?) is really hard to (?) security (with no other?). Find any way to the Terminal Dogma if you can.

Exit the elevator and go right. Push the button and enter to ressuply health, ammo and energy (dont forget pick the shotgun). Now, go to the left part of the zone, Approach the gate, break the glass of the crank and start turn it to open the gate. The entire sector is dark, so use your flashlight. Go to the right corridor. Advance until you find a ID card with blood. Is the ID of the janitor, pick up it.
The "elevator room"/The PC

When you get the card, the gate of behind you will close suddenly, forcing you advance to forward. Very soon you will have to fight the "Failed Angels" (MP7 and shotgun are the best weapons). There is a right corridor that ends in the Gendo Ikari office, but you need a card to open it, so continue walking forward. You will come to a crossroad:
  • At right hand, there are some boxes that block you the way. After break it, there are more Failed Angels and a corridor.
  • At left hand, the corridor will take you to the room of the beginning. You will have to face the "Failed Experiment" and more "Failed Angels".
  • In front of you, there are a big hole in the floor, and in the other side, more angels and a closed room.
Go to the left corridor, kill the monsters and advance to the closed door of the Janitor´s Room. Push the button, turn the crank to open the door and kill the two "Cleanup Personnel". Pick the battery and put it in the hollow of the wall of the "supply room" to restore the energy.
The office of Gendo Ikari

Once you restored the energy, back to the crossroads and walk to the zone where you pick the ID card of the janitor. Open the door of the office (called Makoto Hyuga). Go to the computer screen and press "e". You will unlock the office of Misato Katsuragi. Back to the crossroads, jump the hole (Calculate right the jump), kill the Fallen Angels and enter in the office (LOOK OUT WITH THE WIRE, IT´S A TRIPMINE). Pick the ammuniton and the pistol and enter in the duct.

Kill the Bioweapon, pick the card and the revolver and exit. Go to the corridor where is the office of Gendo Ikari, use the button and enter in it. Move to the desk, pick the card and press the button. A secret door will appear. Move to the room of the begining, go to the corridor where you walked to get the ID card of the janitor, enter through the hollow of the gate to the elevator. Use the button to descend.

Third part: Terminal Dogma

Exit of the elevator and avoid touch the acid of the floor. Kill the experiments and open the door at your right. Resupply your ammunition and health. Continue walking to enter in the Dummy Plug Plant (a.k.a. Cloning Facility) and kill the experiments to open the door. Open the door of your right to open the locked door of the resupply room.
The "LCL Plant"/The Dummy Plug Plant/The duct

Now, there are two options:
  1. Continue walking forward and turn left, reaching the LCL lake and taking the briefcase. After that, back to the corridor and open the cover to continue.
  2. Open the cover directly and continue.
Carry the briefcase until the end of the map is a "secondary objective". You decide.
The fan/the room of the fan

Jump to the hollow under the cover and move through the ducts. Kill the experiment and continue moving until you reach a space with a great fan. You have to continue for the way that is under the fan, so do the following:
  • (Two players are need for this) One of the players open and enter in the duct of the right, the other waits outside. The player of inside must run quickly to the end of the duct and press all the buttons until a crystal barrier downs (you will activate it). The heat makes you hurt, so be quickly. Once you done this, return to the exit and tell to the other player that open you the door in order to can exit of the duct.
  • Down to the room of below and kill all the soldiers. A hollow with a plug and a button will open.
  • Depending of the position of the plug, you can make open the door of the armory (there is a soldier inside), blow the lights x2 or destroy the fan. The "correct" position is random, so use the plug and press the button for use it.
The elevator with supplies/A long corridor
Once the fan is destroyed, continue walking and left the air take you to the up. A JSSDF helicopter will appear. Use the RPG´s and take cover to defeat it. Jump with caution and open the door. Descend the ladder and get into the duct (DONT TURN THE CRANK). Avoid the acid and jump to the corridor.

Once all of you are ready, open the gate and fight the soldiers. Remember that there is a elevator stopped were you can resupply. Move and unlock the second resupply room. Go to the left and go through the open space (look close for the distance of the enemies).

Fourth and last part: The Third Impact

You will reach a room where test the EVA pilots. To open the door of the pod, you must introduce a secuence in the "computer" of the right. Press the button to open it.

The secuence is middle square, left uper corner square, left down corner square, right down corner square and right upper corner square.

After introduce the correct secuence, the door will open it. Get in the room and jump to the water. You have to go through the flooded vents. The way is forward, down, left, forward (rest in the space to breathe), left, left and up. Get outside of the duct and resupply your ammunition, health and energy in the room.
The computer/The destroyed bridge/The flooded sector

Continue walking through the open areas killing the soldiers. When you find the bridge destroyed, jump to the left (calcule the jump right) and move to the duct. You will appear in a flooded corridor. Kill all the soldiers. To open the gate, you have to drain the water first. Go to the ladders to reach a room. Pull off one of the levers

Once the water has been drained, go through the gate and get in the elevator. The elevator will fall and you will have to break the grids of the ceiling to can escape of it and avoid drown. If you go to the duct, you will end in a destroyed room where are supplys. Make your way until the corridor end. Before enter in the duct, make sure you are ready to fight.
The last supplies before the end/The "Hall"/The train

In the moment that you jump off of the duct, a countdown for the Third Impact will start. Kill ALL the soldiers to can open the gate. Break the wood panels and open the door. Break the glass and activate the lever to can get into the train. If you reach at time, you will see the ending. If not, you will spawn in the cinema.
The End

(Due the M.I.A. state of Funjob, i release the guide with those "leaks". Sorry about the inconveniences

Re: OC_NERV -A- Walkthrough

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:49 pm
by MaestraFénix
"Released". I want to say that it was disappointing that Funjob "surrendered and made ragequit" only because their map weren´t co-op, a bit laggy and over all, a huge size, and for that "cut" all the communications.

Is sad, it had a great potential.

Re: OC_NERV -A- Walkthrough

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:32 am
by DisConnected
I ragequitted from mapping too. It takes so damn long. D:

Re: OC_NERV -A- Walkthrough

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:27 am
by Baddtraxx
is it somewhere still playable?
I would take some time for it :D

Re: OC_NERV -A- Walkthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:40 am
by Keychain
Maestro Fénix wrote:Is sad, it had a great potential.