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Temporary Mounting Sidestep

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:53 pm
by Gridalien
Some time after the Steampipe incident, maps such as Paysan or Diving were either a mess of missing textures and ERROR models, or had the occasional missing texture in places that made them eyesores. Typically, this is frustrating because Valve doesn't seem willing to let sleeping dogs lie and allow good 'ol mods to exist as they were.

So, what I've done is used GCFScape and taken the materials, models and sounds of Episode 2 and put them into Obsidian Conflict without overwriting anything already present. This seems to have fixed pretty much everything that has gone wrong, but the problem for anyone else would be the extra usage of disk space.

Until the ones developing Obsidian Conflict come back to give the mod another round of improvements and fixes, this is what I would suggest if Episode 2 content isn't functioning properly for any of you.

Re: Temporary Mounting Sidestep

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:12 pm
by Neico