Dead project, why?

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Dead project, why?

Post by Datastream »

So since when is this project so dead? What happened? I personally can't remember a thing of what happened.
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by Shana »

It's dead?
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by Shana »

Oh, you asked why it's so dead, sorry, misread your question!

To give you an answer, almost 10 years have passed since the mod was released, the majority of the team members are adults now and have been for a while, I'm turning 26 this September for example. :P
Most of us can no longer afford spending as much time on OC as when we were, say, 15 and still living with our parents. We have lives to take care of now, jobs to attend, bills and rent to pay.
Modding doesn't pay the rent, and by the way people reacted towards the idea of having paid mods on Steam, it seems pretty clear that modding is no way of making a living (And that's a whole different topic i could rant about, but not here).

I guess most of us shifted their attention to other things, some moved on to work with newer engines (Source is OLD and tedious to work with) or to work on commercial projects and make a living as a Gamedesigner, like i plan to.

We still want to see the new version released on Steam, there's so much new and updated content sitting on people's harddrives, just waiting to be released.
No one wants to see that work go to waste, it will just take a while to get there.
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by MaestraFénix »

Is not dead until we declare it as so. Sure, everyday, we have less and less time to dedicate it to OC, but we still making efforts to reach Steam.

Can't say what it will happen after that, or when it will come.
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by KittopiaCreator »

The mod is far from dead, we just have a few communication issues, and sometimes, irl stuff, that's all.
It doesn't help that the source engine is a messy beast made of duct tape, either...
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by raidensnake »

KittopiaCreator wrote:The mod is far from dead, we just have a few communication issues, and sometimes, irl stuff, that's all.
It doesn't help that the source engine is a messy beast made of duct tape, either...
That and the current state of steampipe breaking the mod. Obviously some of if community members have been looking at ways of keeping the mod going in the mean time.
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Re: Dead project, why?

Post by 10n02 »

Even if the OC team was dead, It's still fun to play in 2015.
Every year, with some friends, we organize a big Half-Life race on OC: we run through all HL titles.
+1 point for the first person who reach the load point of the map.
+2 points if the winner of the map is still alone on the load point after 1 minute.
of course, mp_firendlyfire is ON :)
This is really fun. Thanks OC team.
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