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Spray/Logos Problem

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:29 pm
by Tarakan
Hello, this is my first post here, I will try to explain with as much detail what is my problem.

I'v always were able to use sprays, in any source game, including Obsidian Conflict, I installed it again, and no longer works, I can use Import button, wich imports an TGA file, but resizes to 256x256 with some ass compression, wich results in horrible quality... But I see people with sprays in high quality, not pixelated and such...

I've got a folder with all the images, in VTF and VMT, all fully tested and working on Source 2007 and Source 2013 using Version 7.3, and none of then work, they are all under the file size limit, correct sizes, working for GMOD, DODS, CSS, Codename Cure, Synergy, Synergy 1.1, Eternal Silence, Dystopia, etc... None of them work on OC sadly, not even the ones that are 32x32 and 16kb in size...

Follows some examples in this rar: (I dunno if there was any better way to show the examples, so here are their VTF's/VMT's) ...