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Current state of the project + big thank you

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm
by VenomFrog
Hello, first off I just want to thank each and every team member for giving me great memories the last 7 or so years. The last update (mount fix) has enabled my friends to play with me now easier than ever before and it's been really fun.

That being said, what is the current state of the mod? In aware it's over 10 years old and I saw a post (titled Dead Project?) that asked a similar question and official team members stated "its not dead until they declare as dead!" I know everyone are adults now with jobs, rent, lives and possibly families too. Shana also stated she'd like to see it on Steam, just like how Synergy and Lambda Wars are. Is that still the plan? Or is the plan just fix the issues at hand? Or release new content this year for 2016?

Anyways thanks again OC team, you've really made something unique in the community and thank you map makers

Re: Current state of the project + big thank you

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:04 am
by Plasma HeadCrabD
Those things take time. and yeah. we got reallly busy for our life. stay turned anyway.