MAP: OC_LOBBY - Door Damage (Solved)

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MAP: OC_LOBBY - Door Damage (Solved)

Post by GecKoTDF »

Hi people,

It's possible to reduce the damage you need to do in the doors of OC_Lobby ? - Because the people must hit a lot of time with the crowbar and usually think have a bug and go away from the game.-


Find a modify OC_lobby_modify.txt and get only a part of the code to put it in the last version of the file, Here:

//These are the Half-Life series campaign doors. Delete the following
//four lines to disable the campaign on your server.

"logicauto" {"OnTrigger" "Map_Toggle_HLS,Toggle,,0,-1"}
"logicauto" {"OnTrigger" "Map_Toggle_HL2,Toggle, 0, -1"}
"logicauto" {"OnTrigger" "Map_Toggle_EP1,Toggle, 0, -1"}
"logicauto" {"OnTrigger" "Map_Toggle_EP2,Toggle, 0, -1"}

//Half-Life series campaign door/trigger edits
"OnStartTouch" "mapannounce_preprelay,Trigger,,0,-1"
"OnStartTouch" "finaltext,DisplayText,Map selected:,0.11,-1"
"OnStartTouch" "finaltext2,DisplayText,Half-Life Campaign,0.11,-1"
"HL2_Door_N" {"Health" "50"}

"OnStartTouch" "mapannounce_preprelay,Trigger,,0,-1"
"OnStartTouch" "finaltext,DisplayText,Map selected:,0.11,-1"
"OnStartTouch" "finaltext2,DisplayText,Random,0.11,-1"
"Map_Door_Random" {"Health" "50"}

//Custom map additions start here.

You need to change the value of the "Health", the first it's for the doors of the left part of the Lobby and the second Health it's for the custom maps - With a value of 50 with 4 burst shoots of alyxs gun the door get destroyed or 4 punch of the crowbar.-
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Re: MAP: OC_LOBBY - Door Damage (Solved)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Another alternative is to use directly NeoLobby to get rid of the door problem. It has several fixes and improvements over the normal lobby.
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