Improved muzzleflashs

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Improved muzzleflashs

Post by sekuza009 »

This replaces your muzzleflash with a more awesome one.
To install just drag the materials folder into your obsidian folder.
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by MaestraFénix »

Like in the new bullsquid model, have you ask permission to the OF2 team?
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by Andrax17 »

Maestro Fénix wrote:Like in the new bullsquid model, have you ask permission to the OF2 team?
does it matter that much.. tbh, i dont think you have asked permission for every model that you have imported to OC in your model pack :D
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by MaestraFénix »

Andrax17 wrote:does it matter that much.. tbh, i dont think you have asked permission for every model that you have imported to OC in your model pack :D
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by Gary »

I agree with Andrax17, pretty sure no one got permission for most the models in the playermodel packs. Honestly, the only reason you should need permission is for official content(stuff released with the mod).

Back to the muzzle flashes, hard to tell from the pictures, but they look a bit big. If you ever saw guns fired in person, your notice some guns don't even have a visible muzzle flash and most have very faint ones.
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by fug4life »


I asked just about everybody I could track down, I think only guy I couldn't get hold of was danboard player model, author.

And ok I never asked Garry Newman for the gmod stuff, but I consider him Valve.
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by MaestraFénix »

fug4life wrote:WRONG x2.

I asked just about everybody I could track down, I think only guy I couldn't get hold of was danboard player model, author.

And ok I never asked Garry Newman for the gmod stuff, but I consider him Valve.
Exactly. I had to ask permission to every "guy" mencionated in the credits, except if was impossible to contact with they (approximately an 80% of the credits are from the GoldSrc models). About the models from another games, like VALVe or Krome studios (Blade Kitten), asking permission to the user that ported it should be enough (i think).

Stop talking about another thing that not matches with the thread. Someone can record a video to see the muzzeflashes?
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by sekuza009 »

How did this thread turn into a argument about having permission :?:

And if your wondering no, I don't have permission, I got the muzzleflash from the Opposing Force 2 leak but I'm pretty sure they don't care because of:
Of2 Dev wrote:Dear community,

As many of you have noticed, FeareD has leaked most of our outdates subversion files, resulting in something really, lol, unpleasant for all of us.

Keep in mind that only because you know the storyline, or only because you've played through a few maps, we WILL NOT cease the development and will keep on. A mindlessy teenager like FeareD won't simply block our development progress, FeareD is most likely to get his ModDB accounts banned. (which has been

If you want to play it, we don't care, so go ahead and do it; you'll miss the updated client, meaning that most of our stuff will be completely outdated in your version of the leak. All we wanted to tell you guys is that we are not going to stop the development because of FeareD.

Answering a few posts, now, since you guys know a lot about the mod.

1. The Titanspleen has been cut from the mod because of its complexity and the fact that it would need to many scripted animations.

2. The Storyline has been changed drastically since last year, resulting in a new ending, a new starting scene and so on.

That's all we want to share with you guys, blame or thank FeareD for the leak, but keep in mind that he won't simply leak us and think he's done with it.
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Re: Improved muzzleflashs

Post by xenoaisam »

look nice! and dont forget, this one too:

for AR2 :3
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