I made the script to make npc_citizen baseed Miku appear in map_select_160.
First, Please download the model of Miku from the website of XenoAisam.
Even if you log in my server "[JP]echizen server", necessary data is automatically downloaded.
Next, the res file is made. Please add the following content to map_select_160.res.
Code: Select all
"materials\HatsuneMiku\eyeball.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\iris_l.vmt" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\iris_l.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\iris_R.vmt" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\iris_R.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuBody.vmt" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuBody.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuBodyBloody.vmt" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuBodyGlow.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuBodySpec.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuHead.vmt" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuHead.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuHeadNormal.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuHeadSpec.vtf" "file"
"materials\HatsuneMiku\MikuNormalMap.vtf" "file"
"models\miku.dx80.vtx" "file"
"models\miku.dx90.vtx" "file"
"models\miku.mdl" "file"
"models\miku.phy" "file"
"models\miku.sw.vtx" "file"
"models\miku.vvd" "file"
Please add the following content to the "Add" section of map_select_160_modify.txt.
There is no problem even if coordinates specified for "origin" are changed into the arbitrary one.
Code: Select all
"additionalequipment" "random"
"AlwaysTransition" "No"
"ammoamount" "1"
"ammosupply" "SMG1"
"angles" "0 270 0"
"citizentype" "4"
"DontPickupWeapons" "No"
"expressiontype" "2"
"GameEndAlly" "No"
"model" "models/miku.mdl"
"npcname" "Hatunemiku"
"physdamagescale" "1.0"
"renderamt" "255"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"skin" "0"
"spawnflags" "65540"
"origin" "-170 -115 -1022.46"
Some Screenshots is here.
Please let the player download the model of Miku before the map is loaded.
Otherwise, the client crashes.