Well I said I would make lots of decals, dont' get excited I never actually got round to doing it, though my paintshop pro seems to work again so I might have another go at doing letters and numbers in various fruits and flavours.
Also as you can see one of the materials is actually a copy of an assest owned by the mod (hope you guys don't mind) so therefore this is for use in Obsidian Conflict only (I cant imagine anyone else using it though)!

By fug4life at 2008-10-14
Also there's two that have the black where I screwed up the alpha channel but I like them still

http://files.filefront.com/fugocdecals1 ... einfo.html
Quite random really...
Notes: All are 'Unlitgeneric' if you what to dull the brightness change the vmt's to Lightmappedgeneric.