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Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:15 pm
by MaestraFénix






[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

This is for all these mappers who wants add more difficulty to their maps.

Is just a normal Combine Soldier, that i changed their .vmt to make it invisible.

Also, the pack includes too an invisible AR2 and SMG, and their custom_weapon scripts (sorry, i couldn´t get work a custom shotgun for the npcs), to makes it more invisible.

As you can see, only are visible when they shoot.

The weapons only are made for NPC use, if you got it, you will have a normal v_ view of the weapons (didn´t like make invisible too the v_models). Also, i think that i broke the physics of the weapons when i decompiled it.

Tl;Dr: In Hammer, after add the weapon to the npc_combine_s, check the flag "don´t drop weapon".

Made by Maestro Fénix.

Credits to Skyninja, for giving to me and the rest of the comunity the fixed code of refract (In VALVe Developer Community is very old, and didn´t work).

I´ll left here the code that i used in the .vmt:

Code: Select all

   $normalmap "dev/water_normal"  
   $refractamount .3
   $envmap "env_cubemap"
   $envmapcontrast 1
   $envmapsaturation 0
   $envmaptint "[0.6 0.6 0.6]"
   $model "1"
Everything should work. Avoid modificate the scripts. They are unstable and can giving errors if don´t have the exact values.


Re: Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:53 pm
by Baddtraxx
holyw :o
great work fenix
is it able to put them to Gmod too?

Re: Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:55 pm
by MaestraFénix
Patchouli wrote:holyw :o
great work fenix
is it able to put them to Gmod too?
Probably. But i don´t know what i must do to make it work in Gmod. The Combine model as a ragdoll, probably at 100%. As a npc, no idea how to make it.

Re: Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:22 am
by Axel_m3sh
How would you bump up the distorting effect so it'd be more visible? (and give a sense of major light warping for that action movie effect)

Re: Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:08 pm
by MaestraFénix
Axel_m3sh wrote:How would you bump up the distorting effect so it'd be more visible? (and give a sense of major light warping for that action movie effect)

Code: Select all

$refractamount .3
Modificating that value you will get different results:

If you put high the value (MAX .9, 1 or more starts getting weird), it will more visible.

If you put lower the value (.2 as a example) it will be more invisible.

With high value:


With low value:


Also, i have a bad notice: Custom weapons for Combine Soldier doesn´t work in GMOD, so goodbye to then. The model, if i can fix the missing icon texture i´ll upload it (yes, it works fine as a npc).

Thanks Fighter for teaching me :3

Re: Invisible Combine Soldier and Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:21 pm
by MaestraFénix
I just found that those models doesnt have a dynamic shadow (for example, when you use the flashlight to see them). I´ll fix it one day of this.