Half-Life: Source weapons

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Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by MaestraFénix »

Half-Life: Source HD weapons

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?555oa01zid1njao



Maestro Fénix (for porting and adapting it to Obsidian Conflict).


Created originally for Half-Life, and after the lack of an official HD pack for their Source version, i decided porting the old pack and adapt it for Source. This is inside of my idea of improve HL:S in the mod, because actually is very bugged, and their gameplay is bad.


Although the models and textures are added in this pack, you still needing having mounted HL:S in the mod for can see the sprites and hear the sounds.


-Added Normal Mapping.

-Fixed the Shotgun "double reload" animation. (<-This take most of the time, it looks a bit strange, but is better than with the problem)

-Fixed the "half magazine instead of full" bug in the M4 and Beretta.

-Modificated the parameters of the textures for react to the light in Source.

-Fixed GoldSrc chrome textures.

-The screen of the RPG now glows in the dark.

-Added the HD version of some sprites.

-"Hammer Weapon Scripted" weapons works at transitions (you can use it in the following maps until you die and lost it/end the campaign).

Actual list of weapons:
  • Beretta (9mmarhandgun): Fully functional, with their fire modes embedded in only one (pressing the fire button uses the semi-auto fire, holding the fire button uses the full-auto fire mode).
  • Colt Python (.357): Continues having all their features that in HL, except that you cant now "dynamic scope" with the secondary fire (due the limits of the actual Weapon Script System).
  • M4 9mm AR (9mmar): It have all their features like in HL. Primary fire fires in auto mode, secondary fire launches a nade.
  • Spas-12 (shotgunhls): Works like in HL. If you want use the double shot fire mode, you must use it as a "Hammer scripted weapon".
  • Crossbow (crossbowhls): Only works if you use it as a Hammer scripted weapon. Primary fire launch a dart (depend of a variable in the server, it can explode or not at impact), secondary fire uses a dynamic zoom.
  • RPG Launcher (rpghls): Only works as a Hammer scripted weapon. Primary fire fires the rocket, secondary fire activates/deactivates
    the laser aim.

Rejected/not released weapons:
  • Tau Cannon: The "flick" bug in the view model, with a problem in the world model (wrong physics and no spin) and that the script is used "at half" makes this weapon on hold until i find the way to fix it (probably the flick and the script problems are caused due a problem in the Tau Cannon code).
  • Crowbar: I dont see interest on having a less detailed model than the HL2 default model. But if the people request it...
  • Frag grenade: Is a waste of time having a custom v_ and w_ models if you cant change the item_grenade model (that is the model of the grenade that you launch).
  • Satchel Charge: The S.L.A.M. remplaces it (and i cant do it with the actual scripted weapons).
  • Tripmine: The S.L.A.M. remplaces it (and i cant do it with the actual scripted weapons).
  • Snark: Needs to be coded if you want use it.
  • Hivehand: Same that the Snark.
  • Gluon Cannon (or Egon Cannon): Energy weapons are broken at the moment, and the "line and whiz" energy ammo type was left unfinished by Skidz. If one day this is fixed, i´ll port it.
How to set the "Hammer scripted weapon":

In Hammer, put a "weapon_" entity of the weapon that you want use (for example, weapon_crossbow).

Then edit their properties and put in the "custom script" line the name of your script (it must be in scripts/customweapons).
For example, we put in the line "custom_crossbowhls".

Compile and test in the map (make sure you left space between the weapon and the floor to can spawn it correctly). You should
be able to pick the weapon and use it.

If you want use it in your map:

Make sure that in the "_modify" file of your map you load the soundcache "Base_HL1_weapons" to hear the sounds of the weapons.

Some pics in-game:





Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?555oa01zid1njao
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by Axel_m3sh »

Good job Fenix! Time to bring the ol' classics to a new era :D
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by MaestraFénix »


[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

Someone did it for HL:S (i saw HD weapons for HLS, but isnt the original HD models).

:medic: :medic: :medic: :medic: :medic: :medic: :medic:

NVM, i got more merits doing it for my self that if i had used those models from the pack. (anyway, the weapons in HLS are just the same that in HL, i know it when i tested the default MP5 that looked in our days shit).
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by fug4life »

Good job.

Did you re-scale the world models, as they were ridiculously big?
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by MaestraFénix »

fug4life wrote:Good job.

Did you re-scale the world models, as they were ridiculously big?
Yes. I cant show you a pic that i took with the M4, because Gyazo dont allow see "old" photos in their free version (a stupid idea make this and the delete option a premium feature).
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by Sabre »

Question about normal mapping. Specifically the dents in the shotgun look like dents rather than being painted on. That a model thing, a normal map thing or was it always like that?
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by MaestraFénix »

Sabre wrote:Question about normal mapping. Specifically the dents in the shotgun look like dents rather than being painted on. That a model thing, a normal map thing or was it always like that?
The quality of the textures is poor. Back in time it was HD, but now can be considered even low quality (you can see in the M4 some squares for example).
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by fug4life »

Yo Fenix, you gone on holiday?

Can I use these weapons? I'm going to re-write all my HLS:DM mapadd's to be co-op missions using only your scripted weapons.

I'm going to make a serious sam arena style x-alien game mode for all the map's using lives mode just incase you were interested in what I had in mind.
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by LivingWithGames »

fug4life wrote:Yo Fenix, you gone on holiday?

Can I use these weapons? I'm going to re-write all my HLS:DM mapadd's to be co-op missions using only your scripted weapons.

I'm going to make a serious sam arena style x-alien game mode for all the map's using lives mode just incase you were interested in what I had in mind.
Yo fug,put this as a PM for him if you have anything to say to him,he'll be back in August 15th.
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by CyborgParrot »

no ofense but i think valves hd models are shit.
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by LivingWithGames »

Well that's just your opinion,Nutino.
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Re: Half-Life: Source weapons

Post by MaestraFénix »

fug4life wrote:Yo Fenix, you gone on holiday?

Can I use these weapons? I'm going to re-write all my HLS:DM mapadd's to be co-op missions using only your scripted weapons.

I'm going to make a serious sam arena style x-alien game mode for all the map's using lives mode just incase you were interested in what I had in mind.

This is "a donation" for the mod, i need to say you what that means?

Also, a deathmatch map? Hmmm, damm, where is the snarks when you need it?
Nutino wrote:no ofense but i think valves hd models are shit.
I used it because:

1: Are the official ones

2: I dont have to search it on internet

3: I dont want wait months for permission of the authors of other models.

If you didnt like it, move you ass and get me those permissions.

(this happen to me for doing things and helping to others completely free, like with the Touhou thing, ungrateful people >:S ).


EDIT: I forgot to say that the "Hammer Weapon scripted" works at transition maps (that means that if you got the crossbow in the water chapter, and you dont die, you will able to continue using it in the following maps of HLS).
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