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Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:33 pm
by Prototstar
Hi guys! Just wanted to come on here to let you all know that I've released another texture pack a while ago and will be releasing another one soon. Maestro messaged me over at HLC and that reminded me about the Obsidian Conflict community. Not sure if Maestro read my reply to him.

I present to you all my Eastern Europe Texture Pack!


43 texture - Rock, sand, dirt, grass, snow, ice. You'll probably find the winter subpackage very useful for your winter setting if you find the standard snow texture in Half Life 2 to be too boring.

There is no specular or normalmap/SSBump because I wanted to keep the package as small as possible. They're very easy to make. Also my personal way of putting off lazy folks that are too lazy to learn something new. The package has no blending texture, but you can do that yourself as well if you know how. It takes only less than a minute of adding lines to a new VMT. If you don't know how to do these then start learning. You'll appreciate me one day for making this barebone. More power and flexibility to the experienced users without adding unnecessary clutter.

And hi! :)

Download link:
Moddb -

Quick Preview:

Future Texture Pack to be released - Attenuation

Inspired by Mirror Edge visual art I decided to try to replicate their style in Source. It came pretty close with bunch of tweaking to the textures and environment lighting system. Would be perfect for those that want to achieve clean and unique style with arcade gameplay. At the moment there are total of 13 textures that can be used. You can check on the progress over at HLC or at my devblog which you can find in my profile. It's difficult already enough to try to post progress on two sites. :P

Every part of the texture can be used since all the details were made on the unit at the power of 4 scale. Which mean a single texture can be used for trim, doorway, border, wall, whatever your creativity can come up with if you know how to work the texture coordinate.


Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:03 pm
by MaestraFénix
Welcome to home, Prototstar. I´ll upload the pack to the database as soon as i can.

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:48 am
by Prototstar
Thank you, good sir. :)
Been awhile since I've played on my PC, haha.

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:04 am
by Sabre
Great stuff here. Loving the Attenuation pack. Might need some furniture to go with it as it might look weird with HL2s rusty tables. Here's the Devblog to save people a google search.

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:30 pm
by Dominic
Really liking this hopefully someone takes advantage of these textures.

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:18 pm
by Andrax17
Dominichax wrote:Really liking this hopefully someone takes advantage of these textures.
I would most probably use the Mirror's Edge stylish textures, because ive always wanted clean textures, if you know what i mean (everything in HL2 looks so, meh)

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:39 pm
by Ny
It looks a lot like the BF3 Close Quarters map Operation 925

Re: Eastern Europe Texture Pack

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:49 am
by RocketRunner
That building does look like it'd fit in Russia or elsewhere.