RTS/FPS mix where 1 player commands AI controlled soliders/tanks in a RTS view and other players are the resistance who play in fps view.
Eternal silence
Sky-fy mod with space combat. Hop on a ship and fight in space or dock in the enemy star base and try to capture it enganing in close quarters battle with weapons.
I felt that eternal silence's feel of scale, dispite half of it being a trick to the eyes, was awesome. Just getting on a ship and raiding the hell out of it is a blast.
Iron grip had extremely borken gmaeplay. I have been to 25 diffrent games and never once have I seen the rahmos win. Hell, we had to give hte rahmos a 2 minute head start. The un-friendly and very bugged up interface doesn't help either.
True, Iron Grip is screwed up, but if the AI was smarter and there was less lag it would be awsome. Oh, and minus the bugs and Engine crashes.
Anyone else notice the trend with Source mods? Lag, Lag and Lag and then more Lag?
skidz i feel exactly the same way with empires iron grip and eternal silence. Im a mod whore so i've played them all and the vehicle movement was slow and boring and the plain shooting movement didn't flow right. The game have great potential in the future they just need to cut down on lag and on delays in game to get to flow going just as good as simple games like cs then they become better mods.
I just ment the flow as in there is never any problems or glitches in old cs thats all I ment not like cs the game just no problems and never has to be fiddled with once completed lag wise and such.