Getting a new computer. Need help.

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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Ny »

Never heard of such a power system like that in the UK to be honest. Sounds like the grid transformer providing power for the area is very low.

I had a look at the system and changed it up a little: Build

Few notes of the changes:
- Your motherboard indicates a mid range system but you chose a top end CPU. Catering for the motherboard I lowered the CPU down to a i5 4670K instead.
- Similar to the point above your CPU cooler is very low end, switched this out for a better one and has overclock possibilities for a small margin.
- I think the case you chose is discontinued, put a nice NZXT 210 in there. Best option for a nice low/mid range price bracket, the Antec One is also a good option but they tend to be stubborn in having pre-installed fans on the lower end cases.
- The hard drive section is purely optional, I have put a great Samsung 840 SSD to serve as the OS drive and dual Seagate Barracuda's to give an example of the RAID setup. It is best to understand what type of RAID type you want to have, you can find a bit of background here
- Lowered the power supply to a 750W which allows for overclocking, future expansion and your power requirements. If you don't plan to do anything along those lines for a long time you can even go lower to the wattage to the 550W-600W region.
- Lastly you forgot a optical drive unless you are installing via USB and the monitor model was changed a little to cater for those in stock although you could go for a BenQ around the same price.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by MaestraFénix »

Ny wrote:Never heard of such a power system like that in the UK to be honest. Sounds like the grid transformer providing power for the area is very low.
No, is implemented in the whole country. Please take me out of this hell, have mercy.
Ny wrote:Few notes of the changes:
- Your motherboard indicates a mid range system but you chose a top end CPU. Catering for the motherboard I lowered the CPU down to a i5 4670K instead.
- Similar to the point above your CPU cooler is very low end, switched this out for a better one and has overclock possibilities for a small margin.
I will talk about this with the guy who is managing the requests, although I'm not interested on overclocking.
Ny wrote:I think the case you chose is discontinued, put a nice NZXT 210 in there. Best option for a nice low/mid range price bracket, the Antec One is also a good option but they tend to be stubborn in having pre-installed fans on the lower end cases.
Don't worry, here is on stock (I think).
Ny wrote:The hard drive section is purely optional, I have put a great Samsung 840 SSD to serve as the OS drive and dual Seagate Barracuda's to give an example of the RAID setup. It is best to understand what type of RAID type you want to have, you can find a bit of background here
At first, it was planned RAID 0. D:

IDK if will take the option of Shana of only having an SDD and HDD with RAID 1 or just sticking with a single HDD for avoid future problems (because I would completely hate having a total disk failure on all the disks, like I saw several times everywhere).
Ny wrote:Lowered the power supply to a 750W which allows for overclocking, future expansion and your power requirements. If you don't plan to do anything along those lines for a long time you can even go lower to the wattage to the 550W-600W region.
You are right, although I need to check the total power consumption of the computer first before taking a decision.
Ny wrote: - Lastly you forgot a optical drive unless you are installing via USB and the monitor model was changed a little to cater for those in stock although you could go for a BenQ around the same price.
I didn't forgot putting it on the list, is just that it doesn't matter much for me asking feedback of it.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by TESLA-X4 »

Ny wrote:... dual Seagate Barracudas...
Oh god, don't even get me started. My luck with Seagate has been absolutely and appallingly horrendous, with three out of four drives already dead (2x 500 GB and 1x 320 GB. All I have left is a 250 GB Momentus 5400.4). Jumped to WD and haven't looked back since.
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

Please do not make assumptions you are not knowledgeable enough to make - that just backfires on yourself.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Ny »

TESLA-X4 wrote:
Ny wrote:... dual Seagate Barracudas...
Oh god, don't even get me started. My luck with Seagate has been absolutely and appallingly horrendous, with three out of four drives already dead (2x 500 GB and 1x 320 GB. All I have left is a 250 GB Momentus 5400.4). Jumped to WD and haven't looked back since.
:shock: that's weird for me I had the complete opposite where my WD drives failed after a couple of months and switched Seagate instead.

Also a side note I forgot to mention on the hard drive pick is that WD Green drive, runs at low spindle speeds 5400 - 5900 RPM, which is fine for general data use but for games and especially large file transfers can bottleneck your system a bit.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Lucky9Two »

I use a couple of SeaGate externals as my secondary and tertiary backup drives and I've had them for years.

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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by TESLA-X4 »

I seem to have inverse luck with HDD manufacturers since people have long complained about reliability issues with Maxtor, yet my older drives were fine (until I put them into retirement, anyway).
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

Please do not make assumptions you are not knowledgeable enough to make - that just backfires on yourself.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by MaestraFénix »

While I resolved the issues with the power usage and the motherboard, the only doubt that I have is with the storage system.

SSD + HDD on RAID 1? Original set (1 SSD + 2 HDD on RAID 1)? Another option?
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Ny »

Maestro Fénix wrote:While I resolved the issues with the power usage and the motherboard, the only doubt that I have is with the storage system.

SSD + HDD on RAID 1? Original set (1 SSD + 2 HDD on RAID 1)? Another option?
RAID works best with hard drives that are of the same working type and capacity. A compromise for you might be a hybrid solid state/disk drive (SSHD) in RAID, while you don't get the performance of an SSD drive you will get better caching performance for files that are accessed on a regular basis; such as boot files on an OS.
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Ny »

Looks like I stand corrected on trusting Seagate with reliability (Sauce):

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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by MaestraFénix »

See? We told you (I already knew this from many years ago. It seems that Seagate continues making HDDs without learning the lesson :V ).

*Still thinking about what I should choose for storage*
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by MaestraFénix »

I think that I will use one HDD of 1TB, since I'm using an external HDD of 750GB, and even with the contents OF ALL MY FAMILY I'm only using the 23% of the total space.

What I should pick, green or blue?
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by Ny »

I'd say go for Blue as green is generally for general office based work/occasional use due to the variable spindle speed (Usually averages around 5400-5900RPM compared to the normal 7200RPM)

PS: Black would be defacto standard for gaming and graphic design if you can get a hold of one, they are quite expensive
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Re: Getting a new computer. Need help.

Post by MaestraFénix »

Got the Blue since the Black cost 300€.

I wanna thank to all the people who went here to help, your opinions were decisive to pick the best components:


*I continue wondering if is just the telephone that does that shit photos, or just me that I didn't found yet the options to improve it*
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