Scrap wrote:Oniyuri wrote:If I still had oblivion on my computer I'd gladly share my character, if it wan't for my extremely crappy graphics.

Though I still have the save. I share that one with anyone who wants it.

hmm can u uplaod anywhere

? maybe i can make pics for ya O.o
Sure. I have two characters. Maximus Gaius (redguard lvl34), a plain warrior and Benedict (woodelf lvl10), the less noble thief.

(The clothes he wears are taken from a whoman he stalked and killed in the imperial city.)
Find decent locations and take pics.

Remember that you do this on your own risk. (Just to make sure I'm not the one responible IF something would happen)
Awww! I remember the first glass weapon I got with maximus. I stole it from a display case in a castle. I only need to say one thing - replica.
Maximus has many great treasures (and some obscure stuff as well) in his house in Skingrad. Benedict keeps all his posessions in a shack on the imperial city water front.
I think that was all. Enjoy!
Man, I want a better computer. Then I'd probably buy oblivion so I can have the pathces and everything.