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LOL Synergy forums

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:43 pm
by Demonhunter04
Since Obsidian Conflict is a much better mod than Synergy, i posted about oc and all its features on the Synergy forums to get more oc players. After posting the topic i noticed that they had filtered out "obsidian conflict" and it automatically replaces it with "name". The title i had in mind for the topic was:

"Why Obsidian Conflict is much better than Synergy"

Thanks to the filter this is what it looked like:

"Why name is much beter than Synergy"

So i edited the post to write obsidian conflict like this:

Obsi dian Conf lict.

And the website:

w w w. o b s i d i a n c o n f l i c t.c o m

Then i check the topic the next day to see if anyone had responded and a forum mod had erased the entire message and replaced it with:

"I've heard that Synergy is a really popular mod, but is still in beta..."

Then they blocked me from posting any other messages.

the synergy devs know that synergy is gay compard to OC so they had to filter out the name and delete my post.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:46 pm
by Hell-met
The mod itself is great, but their team are a bunch of unorganized faggots.

Re: LOL Synergy forums

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:03 pm
by Shana
Demohunter04 wrote:Since Obsidian Conflict is a much better mod than Synergy, i posted about oc and all its features on the Synergy forums to get more oc players. After posting the topic i noticed that they had filtered out "obsidian conflict" and it automatically replaces it with "name". The title i had in mind for the topic was:

"Why Obsidian Conflict is much better than Synergy"

Thanks to the filter this is what it looked like:

"Why name is much beter than Synergy"

So i edited the post to write obsidian conflict like this:

Obsi dian Conf lict.

And the website:

w w w. o b s i d i a n c o n f l i c t.c o m

Then i check the topic the next day to see if anyone had responded and a forum mod had erased the entire message and replaced it with:

"I've heard that Synergy is a really popular mod, but is still in beta..."

Then they blocked me from posting any other messages.

the synergy devs know that synergy is gay compard to OC so they had to filter out the name and delete my post.
yes, i hate the synergy community, you are not allowed to say anything about oc, i remember a discussion where mr. hankey said that your own server only shows up on the lan list for you, and i said, no, it depends on your router and posted a picture of my server showing up in the internet serverlist, he removed the picture, because you could read "obsidian conflict" in it....

And i remember another thread, someone requested asian playermodels, the original post looked like that:
"...It would be nice to have asian playermodels, because a coop mod similiar to synergy (obsidian conflict) also has the asian playermodels..."
until some mod/admin removed the "bad word"

I dont hate synergy, its a nice mod, but i hate their community.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:31 pm
by Power-Mad
This belongs in the flame barn. So until skidz or hyperjag can move it there:

I once posted here saying "Hey skidz, can you re-enable the synths as fully funcitonal NPCs? They would be great to see in action!" And hankey came on here ranting about how I stole that idea from synergy... But yeah, the mod's ok, the team is a mess.

Also, don't troll about us on their forums. It just gives a bad image of us in others veiws and is mean in general.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:52 pm
by fug4life
Power-Mad wrote:This belongs in the flame barn. So until skidz or hyperjag can move it there:

I once posted here saying "Hey skidz, can you re-enable the synths as fully funcitonal NPCs? They would be great to see in action!" And hankey came on here ranting about how I stole that idea from synergy... But yeah, the mod's ok, the team is a mess.

Also, don't troll about us on their forums. It just gives a bad image of us in others veiws and is mean in general.

Can't say I really played that much, couple of games on early beta, Fate lead me down a different path :)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:54 am
by skidz
I don't think the mod sucks, but the team behind it are... nm. Hankey seems ok tho.

They have had the nerve to spam email me, spam message me on MSN and AIM, and come here on the boards and bitch. But atm things are quiet, lets hope it stays that way.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:26 am
by Lark
there maps are nice there player model set up is nice(POSTAL DUDE ROCKS!!!) and the taunts with it rock hard but the team are ass holes who still ideas and cant make there own models!(they made a few but the postal dude unreal nmodels and stuff shoud of been tird party releases at lest!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:25 am
by Demonhunter04
Hey fug4life obviously you don't know who this is, my name in Obsidian is very different. This is G.

Skidz wrote:

"I don't think the mod sucks, but the team behind it are... nm. Hankey seems ok tho.

They have had the nerve to spam email me, spam message me on MSN and AIM, and come here on the boards and bitch. But atm things are quiet, lets hope it stays that way."

Um oops sorry if i started something, fug4life had said "no stirring" before i posted it so i had a warning lol.[/quote]

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:17 am
by fug4life
Lo, G,
I Just think If things are/were peacful, then it should be left that way, I don't know of the history, but both mods were happily doing their own things not getting in each others way. However G, you are your own man entitled to your own opinion, you can say what you like....

(Thats the beauty of internet forums, you can say what you want with no real consequence).

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:38 am
by puppet master

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:54 am
by Gandorques Hikla
I never played Synergy, one reason is that they just put together useless features (totally HL unrelated playermodels), second reason is that they steal our Maps, and the third reason is that they fused with the Tim--Coop Mod, wich was the first HL2 Coop Mod with working Humanoid Npc`s (Rebels, Combine Soldiers), even Sven Viking asked Tim how he got this working.

Maybe Ill try Synergy some day, but I think OC is the best HL2 Coop Mod so far. Especially because of all the possibillities they give to the mappers.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:01 am
by skidz
Gandorques Hikla wrote:I never played Synergy, one reason is that they just put together useless features (totally HL unrelated playermodels), second reason is that they steal our Maps, and the third reason is that they fused with the Tim--Coop Mod, wich was the first HL2 Coop Mod with working Humanoid Npc`s (Rebels, Combine Soldiers), even Sven Viking asked Tim how he got this working.

Maybe Ill try Synergy some day, but I think OC is the best HL2 Coop Mod so far. Especially because of all the possibillities they give to the mappers.
I havnt seen you around for awhile, we need your testing expertise in 1.3. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:38 am
by Fenrir
I really think synergy is fun but honestly, the devs are a bunch of dumb cunts.

If they didn't take such offense to the fact obsidian is better it would be fine, but honestly, it's a game, lighten up.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:03 am
by Steve
Synergy is actually pretty damn good in it's own way.

Alot of the community seems incredibly immature though, especially regarding OC.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:11 am
by Hell-met
Yeah and they got a multi-passenger jeep in their next version.

Seems like I'll ditch OC for a bit.

Naahhh, much funnier beating fug's maps with some unconvential melee tools.