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Modern Warfare 2 reviews /facepalm

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:36 am
by Vasili
Metacritic wrote:J Bell gave it a 9 :
Modern Warfare 2 is a hate it or love it game; there is no middle ground. Some gamers complain about the presentation of the game, but the game overall has amazing visuals. Sure, I'll admit that the environments could have used a bit more colour, the foliage look average, and the underwater graphics in "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday" are below-average. However, I feel that the developers put in a lot of effort on the character models and the weapon details. Plus, the explosions look amazing. The single player component plays distinctively different on different levels; some levels are set in sun-drenched open landscapes, some during snowstorms in the sub-Artic, some during the middle of the night. Each different level requires a different strategy because of the weather patterns, and it all looks stunningly detailed. The single-player part of the game is definitely short-lived, but is full of memorable moments and is generally a hell of a lot of fun to play. As I stated above, each level is memorable in its own way and requires a different strategy, making the campaign interesting and diverse. There is no doubt that it is dreadfully short, but it's one wild ride which can be fun to replay on a harder difficulty setting. Spec Ops is also a lot of fun to play, especially in cooperative play. It can get pretty dull to play through unless you have a friend to play with, but there is a diverse selection of Spec Ops missions, most of which are just fun to play. The multiplayer component of Modern Warfare 2 is flawed perfection. It is usually fun to play, but it is also plagued with quite a few issues. If you're new to CoD and you play online, you're basically going to get raped for the first fifty matches that you play. The progression system is devastating for when low-ranking players are pitted against high-rankers, as you unlock better weaponry and equipment as you level up. This is obviously a problem, and some of the best guns in the game aren't available until you reach the higher levels. The Model 1887 is just plain ridiculous when dual-weld; you have a 10% chance of living through an encounter with a player who has this weapon equipped. There are plenty of other weapons, such as the AK-47, the M14 EBR, the Desert Eagle and the Javelin, which are only available to high ranking players and are ridiculously over-powered. Another issue in multiplayer is that most of the maps are much to big, considering most of the game modes support up to 6 vs 6 matches. Thus, camping, while requiring minimal skill, is the best way to rack up kills in matches, which defeats the purpose of the game being a first-person shooter. Also, the respawn system is completely out of whack, as you commonly spawn near enemies leaving you not much chance to brace yourself for combat. Although you may feel deterred from the multiplayer part of the game, it is a big chunk of the game overall and is generally fun to play. So long as you don't get into laggy servers. Modern Warfare 2 is pretty good, but the major flaw is that the multiplayer is ridiculously unfair for "noobs" who have had little experience in the CoD franchise. Killstreak rewards, excluding the Tactical Nuke, are awesome and the Accolades system is well thought out. The campaign is short but fun and Spec Ops has a lot of replay value. Overally, Modern Warfare 2 is amazing but not exactly perfect.
Whoever wrote this was under the influence of something illegal.

1. Who is called "J Bell"?
2. "Plus, the explosions look amazing." - No, the explosions were pretty shit in this game. Crysis has much better explosions.
3. "The single player component plays distinctively different on different levels" - Uh, no. Infinity Ward. Stop advertising your own game. Apart from design all of the levels in the game consist of Mindlessly killing stuff and going from A to B. Half Life games are much better because they require Puzzle Solving which actually requires the user to have Brain Cells.
4. "Different Strategy" - No much different about going from A to B and killing things.
5. "M14 EBR" - It's called M21 EBR in game for various reasons.
6. "Desert Eagle" - it's under powered and rubbish in this game - why not mention the 44. Magnum?
7. "Another issue in multiplayer is that most of the maps are much to big" Uh - No. There's like 2 big maps - Estate and Wasteland.
8. " Thus, camping, while requiring minimal skill, is the best way to rack up kills in matches" - Wrong. but I won't go into this for logical reasons.

Now! Let's look at another Review
Metacritic wrote:Ben Dover gave it a 0 :
Single player way to short for full price game. Multiplater is even worse. I can't even play.. When you finally get a game its broken and people are cheating and boosting. it sucks! IW ruined COD. Stick with COD4 it is much better multiplayer.
Ben Dover - Obviously someone's in a bad mood.
1. Single Player is way too short for a full price game - You are correct good Ben.
2. "When you finally get a game its broken and people are cheating and boosting." - Correct! Multiplayer Matchmaking takes 20 seconds - 3 minutes to find games, when you finally get a game it's full of hackers.
3. "IW ruined COD" - They milked the cow without feeding it enough.
4. "Stick with COD4 it is much better multiplayer." - Yes, and you can lean as well.

I think that J Bell is probably an IW employee trying to make their game seem better by actually rating it more than 4. Isn't that illegal Infinity Ward? :D
metacritic wrote:How is this even a debate? I love war games and shooters like Bad Company but the Modern Warfare series is so overrated and generic.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:40 am
by Vasili
Or for Assassin's Creed 2
First impressions: game is WAYYY over rated and pretty much sucks. Honestly i can't understand why so many praise it? It is full of serious glitches, dumb objectives which give you very little info and time to achieve plus sometimes i will be hanging around without knowing what to do and absolutely no info - then i quit, restart and bam, it begins with an objective. Super stupid. Plus the map is crap. Very very disappointed and i'm starting to hate most Ubisoft games. Should have kep my money for MW 2
This person is an idiot.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:09 pm
by destiny
i agree with you on the assasins creed 2 one(i dont know what to say about mw2 havent even played it yet.)

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:14 pm
by Gary
Ah, Vasili, calling people idiots and retards because they do not have the same opinions that you do is showing you have a clear sign of xenophobia.

A mature person would just state there opinion, not call everyone besides them stupid if they don't agree with you. I will state mine though.

Single Player: One of the best single player games I have every played, the only thing I would of wanted fixed is a longer game.

Multiplayer: I can accurately judge this part of the game seeing as I can't play online and only can only with my brother on split screen. But I found it very fun, only thing that I had problem with was the kill streaks. The chopper has spots where the player can shoot it but you can't shoot back and I dislike how the packages can get stuck in areas the player can not access thus making you loose it.

Graphics: One of the best looking games out there, yes at times it shows some low detail areas such as low quality shadows(though I bet this can be set higher in the PC version).

I agree, IW made some mistakes with Multiplayer, but none of really effected me(besides the ones stated above), but overall, I would say this was an awesome game and I have played it a lot and still am playing it.

Vasili, your an idiot.