I have an idea for a map (or even for a campaign if is done well), but i´m doing at the moment some maps and i cant take it.
Operation Valkyrie
(yes, the entire story is inspirated in the real one of the WWII, i know).
After some experiments, the scientists of the resistence discovered that the brainwashed metrocops and soldiers still remembering their old life as humans, even those who decided to be implanted computer parts to ascend ranks in the army. Our tests showed that actually with a strong signal we can "undone" all the changes, making our enemy our allies. But there is a signal being transmitted by the Combine who prevents us convert large groups of soldiers.
After months of search, we found that the transmission comes from the central part of Europe. Our explorers found there a large Combine base, and we found their utility: They are the "B plan" in case something happens in Europe, like a sudden revolution. If C17 or another city would be attacked and lost, they will appear in all the cities, controlling the situation, like a wave that cleans the coast.
Our strategists believes that if we reach the main point of the combine base were is transmittied the signal, and we change it, we could recover all Europe easily, and after the fall of the main Citadel and the destruction of C17 in the lastest hours, NOW is the perfect moment to do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, Operation Valkyrie is in progress.
*Infiltration stage (this could work in multiplayer, the question is how it should be made?. Also, this is a good idea:
*Reminiscence of the Conscripts:
*New weapons (probably)
*New enemies?
*HL2/HL2 beta Combine building style.
I can help on some ways, and even participate directly in the creation of maps as i make public the actual maps that i´m working.