I was hoping by making this topic will attract some attention to the new map me and a few friends are making. It is called oc_mine, and you could probably guess what the objective is. The map is currently in heavy WIP, with not even the layout finished yet, but some of the areas are good enough to show. It is supposed to be a more mining/industry with less combat kind of map, such as oc_harvest and oc_diving, but none of the ideas have been stolen, they are more like the inspiration for the map. I will now hopefully put in some screenshot links.
Custom textures, excuse the missing one:


Power station inside:

Trade center:

Some sellable items:

Smuggler who sells weapons (battery dispenser on the left):

Much of the actual mine is not finished or textured yet, so I can't show you that yet. My friend, Spoon as he is called, is doing the mapping, I have made the custom textures, and Hickers helps test the map and feeds his ideas into Spoon. Like I said, it is under heavy WIP, so don't judge it yet. Thank you for reading. Comment on the map please.
Edit: changed from url to images.