Alright I have decided to do a City 08 map sires because of my love of the concept, so I have contacted J.Barnes and he is gathering up all the back story he has for City 08. The maps will take time because I am also learning modeling for XSI so the maps will look more like a combine/neo-Tokyo than a big town in Russia but while I am doing that I have already started the ground work for a Black Mesa map!I am learning all this stuff by trial and error,interlopers,any tut I find on the web, and I bought a few of the NOESIS DVDs . If I can I am going to try to learn to use paint shop pro better so I can try to make some xen textures. (that's a big MAYBE I kinda suck, but my wife is a artist and a pro at Paint shop and she has a tablet so it may still happen even if I fail to learn anything)
so wish me luck and I hope to start showing some WIP pics of the Black Mesa map when it starts to come together until then if you have any Japanese models,VTFs,or anything that might be of use PM me them.
A good idea would be a Black Mesa / HL themed map. Neven seen one of that in source based mod, well... i've seen one crappy copypaste of hl:s map in zombie master mod using hl2 textures.
Other interesting stuff can be port maps from other hl1 sp mods or creative ideas without basing on hl universe, for example an assasination mission or something like that.
gtaiiilc wrote:Alright I have decided to do a City 08 map sires because of my love of the concept, so I have contacted J.Barnes and he is gathering up all the back story he has for City 08. The maps will take time because I am also learning modeling for XSI so the maps will look more like a combine/neo-Tokyo than a big town in Russia but while I am doing that I have already started the ground work for a Black Mesa map!I am learning all this stuff by trial and error,interlopers,any tut I find on the web, and I bought a few of the NOESIS DVDs . If I can I am going to try to learn to use paint shop pro better so I can try to make some xen textures. (that's a big MAYBE I kinda suck, but my wife is a artist and a pro at Paint shop and she has a tablet so it may still happen even if I fail to learn anything)
so wish me luck and I hope to start showing some WIP pics of the Black Mesa map when it starts to come together until then if you have any Japanese models,VTFs,or anything that might be of use PM me them.
are you still open for sugestions?
if so make a map under sea that involves you used to life there as an utopia but thanks to a failed teleporttation experiment of getting poeple faster to the bottem aliens come out of nowere and you have to escape your utopia.
anime watcher and manga reader and doesnt care what others think of it.
I just thought of this:
A space station defense map where you defend yourself from space marines (not the Warhammer 40K kind). It will be like Antlion Defense where you can buy weapons and turrets, but the only weapons availible will be the OICW, SMG1, AR2, a blaster pistol with infinite ammo (custom weapon) and the Shotgun. You defend yourself/yourselves from the marines 'till a rescue ship arrives.
I usually run from rockets.
Pretty straightforward.
Maybe a map with a flyable spaceship liek in zero g but with many planets to go to liek in spacebuild in gmod?Maybe around 7 planets pl3@se also maybe random pirate spaceship encounters(combine gunships lol) and enemy boarding ships that u have to shoot before they board or u will have to fight a big horde of aliens and u can take missions like to assasinate an evil dictator(hitler model ftw)
goddamn why re all the wip space maps STILL not done?
killkill85 wrote:Maybe a map with a flyable spaceship liek in zero g but with many planets to go to liek in spacebuild in gmod?Maybe around 7 planets pl3@se also maybe random pirate spaceship encounters(combine gunships lol) and enemy boarding ships that u have to shoot before they board or u will have to fight a big horde of aliens and u can take missions like to assasinate an evil dictator(hitler model ftw)
goddamn why re all the wip space maps STILL not done?
STOP BUMPING!!(and improve your ortograph)
Please don't take my posts before 2013 too seriously. It will be better for both you and I :c
sorry for being inactive as of late I started to collage so my life has been a bit... hectic to say the least, also I crashed my car while taking the license test so life sucks blah, blah, blah. I still am working on a few maps it's just I keep making a part make another part then start disliking the last part and I go back and rework it then the other part to match the changed to the first part and rinse and repeat but I have got my ducks in a row by doing what I should have done ... drawn up plans! not just keeping them in my head so here soon things will be picking up.and if your on my steam list and I am not on the SDK it is because on my wife's PC hammer runs more smoothly.
one last thing you will start to see me on severs again I need to see what maps get played most and why so I can make my maps as entertaining as possible. see you soon!
hi to all i'm new and i have a new map suggestion: what about an island where you have to survive? something like harvest but where you have to find materials and build refuge and search for foods, similiar to first season of lost or a random survive movie...