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Return to City 17 (previously named coastmap)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:05 am
by DaMaN
Return to City 17 WIP

Progress alert:

The first six maps in the series have been released!

Current progress:
oc_return_c17_01 - 92% Complete
oc_return_c17_02 - 90% Complete
oc_return_c17_03 - 88% Complete

The two other beta maps: 92% complete

Series (as envisioned): 4/12 maps (mostly) completed, with 1/12 maps half-way done.

Probably will be cut down to 9 maps though...

Faceposer has been abandoned for now, though I might come back and try to fix it later.

2 maps currently in closed BETA testing! Let me know if you want to test!



Supermegahyperupdate!! Well, actually no, just pictures. But lots of them!

Anyways, these are pics of the first map in what is proving to be a very large series. It's almost 3:00AM... again... and it just finished a fast rad compile, so I figured I'd slap a few shots together and see what you guys thought, mabye get you excited, etc.

Inside the Green Bay underground complex:






Outside, in (presumably) Green Bay:




This particular shot is at a FOV of 120 degrees. Thought it was interesting/pretty:












I hope to have a beta out sometime, as I'll be away from my compiling computer for the rest of this week (I'll have access to internet computers, so please post your thoughts!). With only one or two minor bugs to fix that I found today, it's looking pretty good.











An indoor shot:





An ominous sign of things to come:


There are, as always, still a number of glytches to work out (like a few scripted sequences not assigned to the right actors :slapped: ). Also, my entdata is up to 126% :shock: , so I'm thinking of cutting down on a few things, as I have yet to soundscape and cubemap the map... yea... ouch...

But regardless, work is progressing. Stay tuned!



Anyways, speaking of the third map... Screenshots!! Yea, the making of this map kinda started off with a bang - something clicked and I managed to set down a good 1/8th of the map in one go. So yea... screenshots...







Old stuff:

Damn, it's been a long time since I've posted any sort of work in progress map for any sort of mod, so I thought it was about time to post up some pics. (Actually it was envy at the responses W0rf0x and Gandorques Hikla were getting - jk ;) )

Lately I've been working on a large co-op multi-map series (as you may have guessed from an earlier topic of mine), intended to be more story-line driven, like HL2 singleplayer.

Over the last few weeks as the end of the semester has wound down I've had quite a mapper's itch (they have a powder for it, but it doesn't work) to try and get some of this storyline down on paper, err, hammer.

Anyways, after mapping for a couple of weeks on and off, I'm nearing the completion of two sequential maps in the series. Since the maps are a little later in the storyline, I've decided not to reveal anything about the actual storyline, because it will most likely change as I map the rest of the series. (Also, I might get entirely fed up with the whole project). But the name (as you can see from my sig) is Return to City 17.

But without much further rambling, screenshots! (See the end of my post for a bit more info)

So, I've kinda posted things a little bit backwards - this map actually comes before the other map I posted... but oh well. Screenshots anyways!
Screenshots of the first map:

Emerging from a cave system onto the coast:

Another bridge... not too far...

Soldiers always pop up when not invited


A combine APC just past the bridge, with a shield in the distance

A view of the bridge:

A nice little section of coast:

More soldiers than you can shake a stick at, unless it's a big stick:

A glimpse of the industrial area:



Shipping area:



Screenshots of the second map:

A bridge... not too near...

Neat little windmill:

A house, part of a village, overlooking the ocean:

A section of coastline (the village is on the right):

An old bunker, re-furbished to brace for the oncomming attack:

The helicopter attack begins...


The village, being overpowered by three attack helicopters:


You can run, but you can't hide. At least not for long.



The village under attack:



So, yea. That's one map. The other is compiling on my brother's computer (mine tends to crash when compiling big maps), so I'll get screenshots of it up ASAP..

I could use a playtester or two to go over these maps and see if anything really screws up, (other than the lag, I'm still working on that...).

EDIT: My brother's computer has just finished compiling the other map, so I'm going to boot up OC and test out how the lighting went on it. (Because the maps are so damn huge (1/2 the largest mappable area in Hammer), it has taken me all day to compile them both. If anyone has a fast computer they could compile some of these maps on, that would be one hell of a help.

Another Update:

I finally got cubemaps working - it seems I have to buildcubemaps, shut down obsidian completely, then open it up again :roll: Anyways, they're working and it looks absofuckinglutely beautiful. :D The only major gripe I have with it now is the lag - in some spots it's patchy, and it's really annoying me. I mean, it's playable (~15-20 fps in some spots) on a listen server, but I really want to get it running smoother.

And also, the moment many of you have been waiting for, this map section will be ready for testing very soon. I've got to add proper cubemaps into the second map, then check if it all compiles properly, and then we should be ready to do some BETA! So I'm hoping sometime tomorrow (Sunday) night.

Stay tuned!



Well, perhaps not so mega.

Anyways, I've just completed my latest compile of the two maps, and, seeing very few things worth spending another 8 hours compiling, I've decided it's about time for some beta testing action!!

Currently, I've PM'ed the map download link out to all those who wanted to beta test (gtaiilc, W0rf0x, Gandorques Hikla, fug4life and Fenrir!), and if you also want to beta test, let me know and I'll send you the link. And I'll probably make it an open beta at some point. (Maybe after those five get back to me with feedback).

And to you, gtaiilc, W0rf0x, Gandorques Hikla, fug4life and Fenrir!, get testing! I'm expecting feedback!


Recieved some very excellent feedback from fug4life and W0rf0x, pointing out things i had completely missed, so I'll be changing those things around and re-compiling ASAP. Which might not be very soon, as I'm currently distracted with the next map in the series...

Thanks again fug4life and W0rf0x for the testing!


Too small an update to actually post - currently working on 3rd map - comming along nicely. Also, large parts of the map will be used in another map, so it's really like doing 2 maps in one. Currently I'm having an annoying time with areaportals, but other than that it's proceeding smoothly-ish. I was sick today so got a lot done. Look forwards to some screenshots sometime next week!


Well, i hadn't actually planned on releasing any screenshots of the map until I ironed out some more bugs... but fug4life convinced me to post up some more. I guess I haven't released any screenshots for a couple of months now, so it's certainly due.

I'm not going to say much for these shots, trying not to give away too much story, so just enjoy all the pretty pictures. :)








That's it for now. I'll see about putting together a few from the first map in the series (which I'm working my way through). I'm hoping to get the first, second, and third maps in the series released at least in beta version as soon as possible. (No dates! Dates mean overshooting them by months!)

For a bit more news, I've kinda sorta mabye almost settled on my story-flow. Parts are starting to come together, and it might not be as omfgepic as I had originally intended, but I'm still going for semi-epic. :)

Should be good. I'm starting to get excited!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:19 am
by Shana
It looks really nice and i like that the helicopter can break parts of the buildings :D
If you want me as a beta tester, just tell me :D

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:22 am
by skidz
Great looking so far. :thumbup:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:31 am
by Gandorques Hikla
It really looks almost as good as the original Coastline maps, it just needs some more vegetation and a few more details in the village. Nice Idea with the roofs!
I also would like to beta test it. =D

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:18 am
by fug4life
looks nice, reminds me of my beautiful holiday to Norway, with out the helicopters :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:33 pm
by sgae
mmm... the map looks big and good, remember to add cube maps xD

really your map is looking very good, keep up the good work ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:46 pm
by Lark
as I have said I cabn test 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:20 pm
by DaMaN
Thanks for all the great replies! New pictures have been posted on the first post!

Thanks for all the beta tester offers! I will certainly take you up on them!

And yes, I still need to place cubemaps appropriately ;)

As well as do some serious soundscaping and fix a bug or three. Also I may have to change the nature of the breakable roofs to limit the lag as much as possible. Currently most of the roofs are physboxes that collapse when the roof takes too much damage, but the added physics is lagging up the game.

I really need to get it optimized considerably. My other map (screenshots coming), is optimized quite well, but this one is still giving me problems. The town scene is lagging quite considerably.

Here's a shot of the showbudget, see if you guys can help me optimize it past 20 fps...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:39 pm
by Shana
well, model and world rendering is very full, add fade distance to your props and if you use fog in your map, then you can add worldbrush backcliping somehow, i dont know how to do it, because i havent used it yet, but i know that you can add it

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:47 pm
by sgae
add fog...

i send you a PM...

i prefer to see the vmf, i see some "familiar" buildings from hl2leak... xD

and you map needs a serious optimization but i can't help you with screens...


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:50 pm
by Power-Mad
Definetly DEFINETLY play with the helicopters health. If you leave it as it is, it will take way too many rockets to kill.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:59 pm
by Vasili
When you release this you will get a Vasili cross mate.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:29 pm
by LinkNEO
I was high.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:13 pm
by DaMaN
Have you guys checked out the new screens?
W0rf0x wrote:well, model and world rendering is very full, add fade distance to your props and if you use fog in your map, then you can add worldbrush backcliping somehow, i dont know how to do it, because i havent used it yet, but i know that you can add it
Fade distance might work for some of it - I've already got fog with the z-clipping set, so from a far enough away distance it doesn't lag at all. (Of course, from that distance you can't see the town...)
sgae wrote:add fog...

i send you a PM...

i prefer to see the vmf, i see some "familiar" buildings from hl2leak... xD

and you map needs a serious optimization but i can't help you with screens...

Yea, the map does need some optimization - I've got a version without breakable roofs that runs much much faster, so the breakable roofs might need to be toned down considerably. I'm also trying to areaportal some of the buildings to limit visability. Also, my occluders don't seem to be working :'(

I'm not sure which buildings you are seeing from the hl2leak, nearly everything in the map I constructed myself.

Anyways, regarding optimization, if worst comes to worst I can always eliminate the physbox roofs and make them just func_breakable. We'll see...
Power-Mad wrote:Definetly DEFINETLY play with the helicopters health. If you leave it as it is, it will take way too many rockets to kill.
I found that out very quickly when playtesting. Default health took 50 rockets each (that's 150 rockets total... yikes). Right now I think it's still set a little too high - 18 rockets each. What do you guys think is appropriate?
Vasili wrote:When you release this you will get a Vasili cross mate.

Thanks! I guess...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:34 pm
by Lark
I say 9 rockets since most of the time a sever has 3 players there and 3 rockets per rpg that means all players kill 1 then run to the ammo wile under fire. to spice it up add some drop ships of shotgun troops and maybe have the thumpers get turned off by the troops, so antlions spawn making killing solders SUPPER impotent . stress make things more fun and rewarding.