oc_fort_refuge - An Epic Battle Versus the Combine (Update2)
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:21 pm
Originally oc_laststand
oc_fort_refuge is a Last Stand-type game where the story is that you and a group of rebels had set up a small fort to help along refugees...until you realize you created it a few kilometers away from an underground Combine outpost and they're already wondering why a couple of humans are on the roof of an abandoned stone building. So you have to fight it out till you get the chance to destroy the outpost. It has this uber-awesome intro sequence with the Combine troop placing the bomb on the door and stuff, plus my own custom music.
This map is very close to completion!
Now for some long-awaited media:
Please note that a heavy amount of this is a Work In Progress. I know the Combine outpost looks like shit at the moment.

The power of scripted_sequence entities is strong within me.
All-new bomb beeping sounds (no, not like the CSS bombs, these are the freaking Combine) plus MOAR GIBZ for the door.

You defend this shed of refugees. This is also where some items bought at the shop are transferred.
Note: There are less refugees in the real version.

Trying to make a spawn a la oc_starship_troopers.
This new spawn features a more rounded shape to the whole room plus healthkits and batteries as well as some ammo crates, which are featured somewhere in the fort as well.
Also notice the incredible detail I put in the shop, with the guns on the wall and crates. Looking inside reveals a few more weapons on crates. I basically put a LOT of detail in that one damn area.

He's supposed to be an Elite. I changed it already; this is an old screenshot.

The overlooks. It's basically like a big drained canal, or sewer type thing.
Hired Gun System:
Basically, you can rent a Rebel with a certain gun for a minute (or until he dies). You can only rent one Rebel with each gun (Choices are shotgun, SMG1 and AR2). The map starts out with three Rebels already near the door who don't expire. And don't worry about keeping track of Hired Guns; you'll receive warnings when they start to expire.
On a side-note, this map will release side-by-side with oc_arenafest_2010 (no media on that yet), an even more last-stand-y, oc_stadium-minus-the-griefing, slug-it-out-till-the-end fragfest of round after round of fighting Combine, HECU, Antlions, Zombies, and that damn Announcer who thinks his constant puns and jokes are funny.
Originally oc_laststand
oc_fort_refuge is a Last Stand-type game where the story is that you and a group of rebels had set up a small fort to help along refugees...until you realize you created it a few kilometers away from an underground Combine outpost and they're already wondering why a couple of humans are on the roof of an abandoned stone building. So you have to fight it out till you get the chance to destroy the outpost. It has this uber-awesome intro sequence with the Combine troop placing the bomb on the door and stuff, plus my own custom music.
- A map briefing (Should be made mandatory, really)
- Makes full use of scripted_sequence entities
- Custom music (one track by me and another off Freeplay Music)
- Custom merchant plus weapon vending machine (lol)
- Hired Guns system
- Lots more
This map is very close to completion!
Now for some long-awaited media:
Please note that a heavy amount of this is a Work In Progress. I know the Combine outpost looks like shit at the moment.

The power of scripted_sequence entities is strong within me.

All-new bomb beeping sounds (no, not like the CSS bombs, these are the freaking Combine) plus MOAR GIBZ for the door.

You defend this shed of refugees. This is also where some items bought at the shop are transferred.
Note: There are less refugees in the real version.

Trying to make a spawn a la oc_starship_troopers.
This new spawn features a more rounded shape to the whole room plus healthkits and batteries as well as some ammo crates, which are featured somewhere in the fort as well.
Also notice the incredible detail I put in the shop, with the guns on the wall and crates. Looking inside reveals a few more weapons on crates. I basically put a LOT of detail in that one damn area.

He's supposed to be an Elite. I changed it already; this is an old screenshot.

The overlooks. It's basically like a big drained canal, or sewer type thing.
Hired Gun System:
Basically, you can rent a Rebel with a certain gun for a minute (or until he dies). You can only rent one Rebel with each gun (Choices are shotgun, SMG1 and AR2). The map starts out with three Rebels already near the door who don't expire. And don't worry about keeping track of Hired Guns; you'll receive warnings when they start to expire.
On a side-note, this map will release side-by-side with oc_arenafest_2010 (no media on that yet), an even more last-stand-y, oc_stadium-minus-the-griefing, slug-it-out-till-the-end fragfest of round after round of fighting Combine, HECU, Antlions, Zombies, and that damn Announcer who thinks his constant puns and jokes are funny.