I'm just working on some change to the v_crossbow to create a v_grapple that doesn't look exactly like the crossbow.
(well, i'm just changing the bolt thing so it would look a little hook-like and more like it can attach itself to a wall)
I've just done anything that came in my mind, so now i don't know how to go on.

Just have a look at this:

1. Either I'll make it like it's marked by the red line in the upper left which means a barbed arrow. I'll delete the claws then.
2. Or I'll make it like marked by the red lines in the lower right which would result in a claw thing. I'll delete the barb things then.
3. Or third one: I could chose the lower right red shape and add the green shaped spike. There I'll delete the barb things, too.
4. Last possibility: I could just leave it like it is right now... which doesn't make too much sense but would look pretty cool, i think.
(anyway, if i'll leave the claws in, i'll also put some hinges there for them to be able to move.)
So, please vote for the one you like most.