Hi there sorry for the slow repley but here we are again with 6 exclusive pictures lol

new ramp model in action.... you got to love those aroes lol if not you have a problem for now there are 5 colors on neat iluminating direction arows : Red,Blue,Green,Orange,yellow..... green and yellow are a bit special.... yellow affects only the ball while green can be used to transport yourself up down left right front bachward where ever the arows go.....
Also the work flow has changed again now i have 2 people in my town who can help me with develop the "gravity ball" world......
i also want to recieve the big mighty M from mature..... for all your lovers of gore in a sports game....
also a shit load of new futuristic weapons
diverent player types to boost up game play: medics,janitors(who wipe the play field clean of scum),ball carier,ball guards etc
if any of you could help me a bit it would be verry kind

kind regards