We have a hotfix in the works to address some of the problems that have been plaguing OC the last few months, it will fix the now-broken mounting system and improve stability of both the client and server.
Because this hotfix requires new binaries for both the server and client, you can expect a few new features too. Everyone who donated after the 1.35 release will finally get their donor access as well.
Sadly we can't give you an ETA just yet due to slow progress, our biggest problem is the lack of coders actively working on the code.
Some are too busy with their job or education while others simply don't feel like working on the code or haven't been in contact with the team for months.
That's why we're actively looking for new coders to ensure OC has a future, so if you:
- Are proficient with C++, git and Source
- (Beneficial, but is not mandatory) have experience with graphics and shaders (especially with regard to Source)
- Are able to communicate with the team (not just language barriers, etc. but also whether you can work with team members without attitudes and all getting in the way)
- Have enough time to work on a project like this (of course real life still takes priority, but you should at least be able to work on the mod somewhat regularly)
Of course we are always looking for other positions like mapping and modeling too, so don't be shy!
A big "Thank you!" to everyone who hasn't given up on us yet and sorry for not getting back to you sooner. We're going to post news more often from now on, even if it's just a small update to keep you in the loop.