custom shotgun weapon question

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custom shotgun weapon question

Post by fustrun »

I have replaced the model for the M3 to a winchester, now i made the cone spread really tight and it's one hell of a powerfull weapon :) but oddly as you change the custom weapon's shotgun model to a custom one (tried spas12 aswell) the refire rate of the weapon is like 5 seconds . . and in that time you can't reload or do anything with it, just stands there so i figured it has something to do with animations ? any ideas guys ?
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Post by destiny »

aah good old winchester i remember using it in shotgun sunrise.
anime watcher and manga reader and doesnt care what others think of it.
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Post by JerC »

Its only when you play SINGLEPLAYER.Multi sohuld work fine...
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Post by fustrun »

You mean obsidian conflict in single player ? . . dont follow you
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Post by JerC »

When you use create server thing but playing alone...
It's like for my shotgun skin for the spas-12,that take more time to relad,but on other servers,its faster
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Post by fustrun »

ah, i get it, i wonder how's it working from the code point of view . . that with other net players it works and alone it dosent, on listen server with my brother acts the same.

thx for the reply
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Post by fustrun »

BTW is there an option to modify custom weapons's damage ?
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Post by Neico »

custom ammo, see the wiki...
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Post by fustrun »

thx for the respons

Ok got it, well all the tutorials and wiki's point on how to do it on through adding it to individual maps while i want it in in a form that i could just put it in "custom weapons" folder under the name "custom_ammo_ak47" for example, just to change the dmg, and then use "give custom_ammo_ak47" to have it in my inventory.

i guess it's not done exactly this way but you catch my drift.

thx again
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Post by fustrun »

---------------- UPDATE -----------------------

Solved it by changing primary ammo to "m3" now it work's

Still if anyone could have an idea about the first question i posted in this thread i'll be very happy ^^ maybe if someone could change his shotgun to the model i linked and repot the resultes i would be really gratefull

---------------- UPDATE -----------------------

Ok so i read about the mapadd stuff but i didn't want to get to decompiling maps and so on so i changed the "d2_prison_04-modify.txt" to try and add the custom ammo

Code: Select all

            "info_player_start" {}
            "-723.4 340.4 -89" {}
            "-1256 288 -16" {}
            "angles" "0 0 0"
            "disableshadows" "1"
            "ExplodeDamage" "0"
            "ExplodeRadius" "0"
            "fademindist" "-1"
            "fadescale" "1"
            "MaxAnimTime" "10"
            "MinAnimTime" "5"
            "model" "models/props_wasteland/prison_slidingdoor001a.mdl"
            "RandomAnimation" "0"
            "renderamt" "255"
            "rendercolor" "255 255 255"
            "solid" "6"
            "origin" "-1283.2 288 -68"
            "angles" "0 90 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-950 223 -124"
            "angles" "0 90 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-1087 223 -124"
            "angles" "0 90 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-1238 223 -124"
            "angles" "0 270 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-950 358 -124"
            "angles" "0 270 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-1101 358 -124"
            "angles" "0 270 0"
            "targetname" "prison_04_spawn1"
            "origin" "-1238 358 -124"
                "disableareaportals" "1"
            "-1344 3048 448"
                "spawngroup" "prison_05_spawn1"
    "weapon_smg1" "1"
    "weapon_ar2" "1"
    "weapon_shotgun" "1"
    "weapon_crowbar" "1"
    "weapon_physcannon" "1"
    "weapon_357" "1"
    "weapon_frag" "1"
    "weapon_pistol" "1"
    "item_box_buckshot" "2"
    "item_ammo_smg1" "3"
    "item_battery" "3"
    "weapon_healer" "1"
    "weapon_bugbait" "1"
    "weapon_crossbow" "1"
    "custom_m3"     "1" /added the shotgun in to the inv

		"dmgtype"		"1"
		"tracer"		"4"
		"plrdmg"		"999"	//Changed the ammo to 999 ! should kill everyone with 1 shot		"npcdmg"		"10"	//Damage done by NPCs using this ammo.
		"maxcarry"		"10"
		"grains"		"200"	// 1 grain = 64.79891 milligrams
		"ftpersec"		"1225"
so i tried it out and since i shot the soldiers they didn't die in 1 shot so i guess it didnt work . . did i do anything wrong ?

here's the weapon code if it's needed.

Code: Select all

	// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
	"printname"			"M3"
	"viewmodel"			"models/weapons/v_shot_m3super90.mdl"
	"playermodel"			"models/weapons/w_shot_m3super90.mdl"
	"anim_prefix"			"shotgun"
	"bucket"			"3"
	"bucket_position"		"9"

	"clip_size"			"6"
	//"clip2_size"			"0"

	//"default_clip"			"6"
	//"default_clip2"			"0"

	"primary_ammo"			"Buckshot"
	"secondary_ammo"		"None"

	"weight"			"4"
	"item_flags"			"0"

	"BuiltRightHanded" 		"0"
	"AllowFlipping" 		"1"

	"csviewmodel"			"1"

		"x"   "-2.00"
		"y"   "4.38"
		"z"   "2.60"
		"xori"	"-0.1"
		"yori"	"0.1"
		"zori"	"0"

	// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
		"empty"				"Weapon_Shotgun.Empty"
		//"reload"			"Weapon_Shotgun.Reload"
		//"special1"			"Weapon_Shotgun.Special1"
		"single_shot"		"Weapon_M3.Single"
		"double_shot"		"Weapon_M3.Single"
		"reload_npc"		"Weapon_Shotgun.NPC_Reload"
		"single_shot_npc"	"Weapon_M3.Single"

	// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
				"font"		"CSWeaponIcons"
				"character"	"k"
				"font"		"CSWeaponIconsSelected"
				"character"	"k"
				"font"		"WeaponIcons"
				"character"	"p"
				"font"		"Crosshairs"
				"character"	"Q"
				"file"		"sprites/crosshairs"
				"x"			"0"
				"y"			"48"
				"width"		"24"
				"height"	"24"
	"Advanced" // only for Weapon_Scripted

	// **Primary Attack**

		// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp
		"FireType1"	"3"

		// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
		"FireRate1"	"0.3"

		// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
		"FastFire1"	"0"

		// Allow Fire Underwater?
		"FireUnderWater1"	"0"

		// How many bullets in a burst. ( For Burst Weapon Only! )
		"BurstAmount1"	"0"
		"BetweenBurstTime1"	"0.05"

		// For Bullet accuracy
		"FireCone1"		"0" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
		"FireConeLerp1"		"0" // Bool
		"FireConeLerpto1"	"0" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )

	// **Secondary Attack**

		// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp, 8 = scope
		"FireType2"	"3"

		// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
		"FireRate2"	"0.7"

		// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
		"FastFire2"	"0"

		// Allow Fire Underwater?
		"FireUnderWater2"	"0"

		// How many bullets in a burst. ( For Burst Weapon Only! )
		"BurstAmount2"	"4"
		"BetweenBurstTime2"	"0.05"

		// Secondary Fire uses Secondary Ammo Type. If 0, will use primary ammo.
		"SecondaryAmmoUsed"	"0"

		// For Bullet accuracy
		"FireCone2"		"2" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
		"FireConeLerp2"		"1" // Bool
		"FireConeLerpto2"	"6" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )

	// **Global Weapon Settings**

		// Number of Recoil Animations, weapon models with ACT_VM_RECOIL animations.
		// ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations, Not for laser or warp )
		"NumberOfRecoilAnims"	"0"

		// Shots fired till next recoil animation. ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations )
		"RecoilIncrementSpeed"	"1"

		// 1 = Pistol, 2 = AR2, 3 = crossbow, 4 = physgun, 5 = shotgun, 6 = smg1
		// This is the player animation set that will be used on all players you view ingame.
		"PlayerAnimationSet"	"5"
thx again
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Post by JerC »

its becaus plrdmg was set to did something wrong
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Post by fustrun »

no everythings working as it should, i allready edited the post with

---------------- UPDATE -----------------------

Solved it by changing primary ammo to "m3" now it work's

Still if anyone could have an idea about the first question i posted in this thread i'll be very happy ^^ maybe if someone could change his shotgun to the model i linked and repot the resultes i would be really gratefull

---------------- UPDATE -----------------------
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Post by fustrun »

oh and one more question when i try to add the custom ammo by using "give item_custom" like stated in the wiki i get

Code: Select all

ERROR: Attempting to give unknown ammo type ()

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