Why does my environmental shadows suck so bad? Also isn't lightmaps static? So if I move a entity that casts lightmap shadows, when it moves the shadow won't?
My current shadows:
There a way to fix this?
Also, thought for the future, a setting that would have the light_environment cast something besides lightmaps, such as dynamic light? And if someone just doesn't have the power to run something, we could also fix that:
Low would be light maps.
Med would be dynamic light but now quality.
High would be better then low quality dynamic, but not perfect.
Full would be high quality soft shadows.
Environmental lighting?
The lighting thing in the first picture is due to the way light is calculated. The value of the light is added to the texture. Change the orange texture to something like white or gray and you'll see it shows differently.
As for the light, dynamic light the way you are talking about it wouldn't work in the source engine. Source does not have good optimized code for its dynamic lights like other games.
As for the light, dynamic light the way you are talking about it wouldn't work in the source engine. Source does not have good optimized code for its dynamic lights like other games.
Turn the lightmap scale on those brush faces down and set the sunspread angle to 5 in the light environment and it should look better.
Also, you might want to go off of this as a baseline for light_environment settings: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List
Also, you might want to go off of this as a baseline for light_environment settings: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List
What thay said lol^
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