I've forwarded my ports, here are some screenshots.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Code: Select all
// Make the server public by tefault
sv_lan "0"
// Master Server Fix
sv_master_legacy_mode "0"
Code: Select all
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 849 sounds
CResponseSystem: scripts\talker\response_rules.txt (568 rules, 647 criteria, and 545 responses)
Server Dynamic Link Library loaded for Obsidian Conflict (Hotfix 3)
Plugins: found file "metamod.vdf"
maxplayers set to 8
Heap: 256.00 Mb
2 CPUs, Frequency: 3.2 Ghz, Features: GenuineIntel SSE SSE2 MMX RDTSC CMOV FCMOV
execing valve.rc
maxplayers set to 8
execing modsettings.cfg
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
---- Host_NewGame ----
Spawn Server: oc_diving_v9
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/grass_realshort.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/gm_forest/growth_d.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/ivy_01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/ivy_01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/ivy_01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/ivy_01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/ivy_01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/gm_forest/growth_a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/gm_forest/growth_b.mdl)
L 08/13/2013 - 06:43:48: -------- Mapchange to oc_diving_v9 --------
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_win_panel' unknown.
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_restart_round' unknown.
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'arena_win_panel' unknown.
L 08/13/2013 - 06:43:48: [SM] Unable to load plugin "rockthevote.smx": Could not find required plugin "mapchooser"
L 08/13/2013 - 06:43:48: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons\sourcemod\configs\admins.cfg
L 08/13/2013 - 06:43:48: [admin-flatfile.smx] (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 849 sounds
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_cs_weapons.txt [135 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_hl1.txt [122 total, 8 replacements, 8 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_music.txt [32 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_agrunt.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_roach.txt [3 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_scientist.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_bigmomma.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_assassin.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gargantua.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_snark.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_tentacle.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_controller.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_nihilanth.txt [9 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hl1turret.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_eli_lab.txt [225 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_trainyard.txt [294 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_k_lab.txt [404 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_k_lab2.txt [88 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_coast.txt [234 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_novaprospekt.txt [443 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_streetwar.txt [245 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_streetwar2.txt [73 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_breencast.txt [109 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_citadel.txt [380 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_canals.txt [189 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm.txt [190 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm2.txt [86 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_canals2.txt [37 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_c17_02a.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_c17.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_town.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_bugbait.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_music.txt [90 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_eli.txt [4 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_alyx.txt [87 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_dog.txt [64 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_citizen.txt [430 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_barney.txt [100 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_soldier.txt [9 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_strider.txt [17 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_zombie.txt [17 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_vortigaunt.txt [428 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_turret.txt [30 total, 2 replacements, 2 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_scanner.txt [33 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_rollermine.txt [16 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_poisonzombie.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_metropolice.txt [35 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combinecamera.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_manhack.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_ichthyosaur.txt [11 total, 1 replacements, 1 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_blackheadcrab.txt [14 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_fastheadcrab.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_headcrab.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_fastzombie.txt [19 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_birds.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gunship.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_dropship.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_barnacle.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_attackheli.txt [14 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlionguard.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlion.txt [22 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_env_headcrabcanister.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_ball.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_mine.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_sniper.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_stalker.txt [24 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gman.txt [2 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_bullsquid.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hydra.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_houndeye.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_defender.txt [8 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_zombine.txt [8 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_mortarsynth.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hunter.txt [35 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
execing skill_manifest.cfg
execing skill.cfg
Executing dedicated server config file 'server.cfg'
Set Gravity 600.0 (0.250 tolerance)
Failed to load models/computergibs.mdl!
Failed to load models/fleshgibs.mdl!
Failed to load models/ceilinggibs.mdl!
Failed to load models/cindergibs.mdl!
Failed to load models/webgibs.mdl!
Failed to load models/lostcoast/fisherman/harpoon.mdl!
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Bad field in entity!!
Warning, funcladder with blocked bottom point (5711.98 -4000.00 -103.36) stuck in (worldspawn/)
ERROR!: Can't create physics object for models/oc_diving/cliff.mdl
da2 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
da1 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
db2 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
db1 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
dc2 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
dc1 has Door model (models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/bark_pine_tall_a_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/leaves_pine_a_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/leaves_pine_b_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/leaves_pine_c_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/bark_pine_tall_snow_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/leaves_pine_snow_a_diff" not found.
aoc_trees/aoc_pine_tall_a.mdl : material "models/aoc_trees/leaves_pine_snow_b_diff" not found.
Bad field in entity!!
Created class baseline: 32 classes, 9552 bytes.
8 player server started
execing server.cfg
execing sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
execing sourcemod\funcommands.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode disabled.