Players unable to join listen server

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Players unable to join listen server

Post by MaestraFénix »

Suddenly, the players can't join the listen servers they create, no matter what we do:
  1. We have portforwarded the needed ports.
  2. We have a fixed IP.
  3. We do the usual plan: Create a server, sv_lan 0, IP youriphere, changemap mapname, heartbeat.
  4. Send to our friends the IP+:27015 port so they can connect.
But they not longer can. They have either "Connection failed after four attemps" or "Server is Class C" errors.

It doesn't look like it is like the other times. In fact, I'm hearing that apparently there are more games/mods affected.

It appears that if you edit the listenserver.cfg and directly add sv_lan 0 it will work.
It works for someone?

I can tell that at least from a month ago we were able to join and play, this caught me offguard when someone told me this problem.
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Re: Players unable to join listen server

Post by n30x »

For me listenserver is working fine, after I executed the following commands in THIS order:
sv_lan 0
map ... (or simply changelevel)
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Re: Players unable to join listen server

Post by MaestraFénix »

I totally forgot about this post.

I solved the problem three days later. The problem was that I changed my static IP, so of course, is like if I didn't portforwarded the ports.
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Re: Players unable to join listen server

Post by daunknownman2010 »

I knew it wasn't right when I saw it. I've seen listen servers work all the time without a problem. Good thing you already found the real culprit of it months ago..
OwO what's this???
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