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Server boot troubles

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:28 am
by Blinx636
I'm having some issues running an OC dedicated server. I followed the instructions here: ... indows_%29

But when I actually try to run the server, I get an error:
"SetupArrayProps_R: array prop '(null)' is at index zero."

I've already tried wiping the entire hlds directory and starting from scratch, but I had the same issue. A few people hosting GMOD servers had a similar issue, which they could rectify by swapping out the bin folder in the server directory and updating it (

Problem is, I have no idea what bin folder obsidian conflict should use. Team Fortress doesn't work, it gives me the above error. I tried the bin folder found in the Source 2007 binaries gcf, but then it spat out the error:
"Failed to load the launcher DLL: The specified module could not be found."

My server bat file looks like this:

Code: Select all

D:\HLDS\orangebox\srcds.exe -game obsidian -console -port 27015 +map oc_lobby -maxplayers 6 -autoupdate 
Any ideas?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:53 am
by Neico
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game orangebox -dir .

that is all that you need (plus the campaign data from the gcf's) no tf2 or anything like that since they use a newer engine

PS: i'll update that tut soon to prevent some questions :P