I tried to setup a sever today. I downlaoded all the stuff I need, I think.
Code: Select all
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "episodic"
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "hl2mp"
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "tf"
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "orangebox"
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "Counter Strike Source"
hldsupdatetool -command update -dir C:\server\orangebox -game "hl2"
-verify_all -retry
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C:\server\orangebox\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game obsidian -port 27015 -sv_lan 0 +map oc_lobby +maxplayers 8
Code: Select all
Host_error:IDLLFunctions::DLLInit returned false.
Code: Select all
Console initialized.
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing conVar
Game.dll loaded for "Obsidian Conflict"