Gameinfo.txt is missing
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:11 am
Have you seen my coffee cup?
Neico wrote:where is the problem?
Note: If you download any of the following (sans Portal) using the HLDS Update Tool after downloading orangebox, you will be forced to download a new set of engine binaries incompatible with the current release of Obsidian Conflict. A telltale sign that this has occurred is when you see an engine error along the lines of SetupArrayProps_R: array prop '(null)' is at index zero or Host_Error: IDLLFunctions::DLLInit returned false when you try to start the server. To workaround that, simply rename the bin folder (inside orangebox) to something else (e.g. bin_se2007) before downloading the game's files. On completion, delete the newly created bin folder and rename the old one back to bin.
For the curious, the reason for this is that almost all official Valve games now run on Source Engine 2009, but most mods (sans Garry's Mod) continue to run on the older Source Engine 2007 (Source SDK Base 2007). These two versions are incompatible with each other, and Valve has yet to release a version of Source SDK Base for Source Engine 2009.
W0rf0x wrote:From the screenshot it seems like you have the wrong server binaries as i can see a tf and l4d folder. Only update with -game "orangebox", no TF, no L4D, nothing else.