[C++] Hammer2 (Working Title)

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[C++] Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Neico »

Hammer2, born from the anger of Valve's Map Editor due to it being extremly old and unflexible, especially to Mods as it doesn't have Plugin Support or anything like that to Support things like Custom Mount Systems has the goal to provide a alternative to Valve's Map Editor.

It's main features include:
- 32 & 64 Bit Support
- Multithreading, thanks to wxWidgets
- Cross Platform Support ( Windows, Linux, Mac ), thanks to wxWidgets
- Plugin System to Support as many different Mods and features as possible
- OpenSource
- Tabbed Maps instead of windowed (makes it easier and faster to switch between maps)
- Language Support, again thanks to wxWidgets
(anything else? maybe later... heck I'm still making the Layout :P)

ToDo: complete this post and add screenshots...
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Andrax17 »

would it have option to display hl2, ep1, ep2 and maybe css props and textures at the same time? instead of needing to get the specific things yourself.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Neico »

Neico wrote: - Plugin System to Support as many different Mods and features as possible
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Gary »

Great idea! I'm sure you could also get support from Interlopers, everyone there is also sick of the outdated tool.

My input:
Keep a similar layout and interface to Hammer, so it would be easy and practical to transfer over(people wouldn't like re-learning how to map). I think a good goal is to also have all of the functionality of Hammer, so you could pick up this tool with no problem and still be able to do everything you could with Hammer.

As for future features;
Built-in Proper.
Built-in Error Checker at compile, could use Interloper's.

Name: Maybe Sledgehammer or something with a similar name)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, if you need any help testing or graphics let me know.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Neico »

look at the shoutbox for a little screenshot showing of the first layout

and yeah I made that post to get some support as I think that I'm going to be stuck at some point especially because I lack time for something like that
feel free to ask around if people would like it and would like to help
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Gary »

This one right?

Looks good so far, looking forward to seeing more.

Also, there is entire Steam community(SDKIG) that wants a new SDK, so I am sure they would help.

We can also look at MicroBrush for ideas, as it's a Hammer alternative.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by fug4life »

I wouldn't bother if I was you, Valve are radically changing their tool set in the future, which will only leave you behined trying to catch up.

I read a gabe interview and they are heavy modifying the tool sets to make life easier, I just think you'll be playing catch-up all the time.

Edit: dont get me wrong I think your ideas are great with mod content loading.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by MaestraFénix »

(if is posible) particle editor inside?

(dont know if is configured in the entity or in Hammer) more values of configuration of the entities.

A "quick-guide to use"/Tips and tricks (like for example in 3DS MAX, it will useful for the new mappers).

Optimizated tools to compile more faster?

something more that i'm forget in this moment...
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Gary »


Valve also said they were going to release the Half-life 2 episodes months apart from one another, I think we all know how that turned out.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by MaestraFénix »

I remember what are the things that i forgot:

Include Crafty, a tool that allows see how looks the map in the game without run the game.

Update of the images (for example, you can select in the entity prop_door_rotating if it will have a keypad or a handle. To see how looks, you must compile and load the map in-game. Another example it will be the custom models that you add to some items).
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Neico »

Gary wrote:@Fug:

Valve also said they were going to release the Half-life 2 episodes months apart from one another, I think we all know how that turned out.
^ what he said, and I really doubt that they will touch anything that has nothing to do with tf2 meaning, no update for mods or to support them = hate valve
Maestro Fénix wrote:(if is posible) particle editor inside?
Maestro Fénix wrote:(dont know if is configured in the entity or in Hammer) more values of configuration of the entities.
game / mod depending + updated .fgd files, hammer reads the entity data from those
Maestro Fénix wrote:A "quick-guide to use"/Tips and tricks (like for example in 3DS MAX, it will useful for the new mappers).
maybe, but not from me
Maestro Fénix wrote:Optimizated tools to compile more faster?
Neico wrote:- Multithreading
Maestro Fénix wrote:Include Crafty, a tool that allows see how looks the map in the game without run the game.
Isn't that what hammer does in the 3D screen?

Maestro Fénix wrote:Update of the images (for example, you can select in the entity prop_door_rotating if it will have a keypad or a handle. To see how looks, you must compile and load the map in-game. Another example it will be the custom models that you add to some items).
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Neico wrote:
Gary wrote:@Fug:

Maestro Fénix wrote:Include Crafty, a tool that allows see how looks the map in the game without run the game.
Isn't that what hammer does in the 3D screen?

Maestro Fénix wrote:Update of the images (for example, you can select in the entity prop_door_rotating if it will have a keypad or a handle. To see how looks, you must compile and load the map in-game. Another example it will be the custom models that you add to some items).
1º: Nope. For example, you cant see the particles, or the light (typical example, a nightmid map), or the texture of the skybox...

2º: The elements that you can see in the game but not in Hammer.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Andrax17 »

i have no idea if its already possible, but ive always wanted you to be able to set default texture (like what texture it loads when you start hammer)
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by fug4life »

Erm you all seem to be forgeting Valve has a new title coming out in April (Portal 2).
Generally if you look at past trends new game = new engine updates new sdk features.
The 2009 mod tools are long overdue, so dont you think that it'll be coming shortly just after Portal 2.

1 sec I'll quote gabe:

Backstepper: MasterGir asks: ‘Will Valve ever update the source SDK, especially Hammer?’

Newell: Oh yeah, we’re spending a tremendous amount of time on tools right now. So, our current
tools are... very painful, so we probably are spending more time on tools development now than
anything else and when we’re ready to ship those I think everybody’s life will get a lot better. Just
way too hard to develop content right now, both for ourselves and for third-parties so we’re going to
make enormously easier and simplify that process a lot.

http://www.thesteamcast.com/episodes/47 ... script.pdf

I'm not saying this is going to happen in april.
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Re: Hammer2 (Working Title)

Post by Gary »

You also have to remember, they did add features to Hammer with the 2009 update, but that version of Hammer was only for 2009. It actually broke 2007 SDK functionality for a while until they fixed it and when they did, 2007 Hammer didn't change a bit.

I bet the Portal 2 SDK will have an slightly updated Hammer, but I am doubtful it will be drastic. It will also only work for Portal 2's version of the engine, it won't for us who are using the 2007 codebase. Unless(very doubtful), Portal 2's Source engine code is released and we(mod makers) can update all our mods to that version(which will likely be a pain in the ass), then we could use that version of Hammer.

Also, about the help features, we could put a little "Entity Help" icon on the entity properties dialog, which will bring you to the relevant VDC page. This would be easy and wouldn't require us making a database for every single entity. Mod makers could have entity help plugins for their FGD, for example; OC would have a plugin that when you click "Entity Help" for a entity that is from the OC FGD, it will direct you to the relevant page in the OC wiki.
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