/sourcemod/configs/freezetime.cfg: Automatically generated on initial plugin load, use it to set which maps should have freeze times. Instructions are included in this file.
Commands & Console Variables:
None (only version ConVar).
- Place freezetime.smx into the /sourcemod/plugins directory.
- Place freezetime.phrases.txt into the /sourcemod/translations directory.
Code: Select all
! Fixed timer counts sometimes turning negative (hopefully! Damned static variables causing issues)
- Removed player render effects due to model issues
+ Added checks for timer validity
! Fixed Timer_Unfreeze() acting on dead/spectating players when it should not
+ Added default maps: oc_breakout, oc_cardwar, oc_courier
+ Added support for translations
+ Added textual feedback for players who are unable to spawn (since the countdown panel does not appear for dead/spectating players)
Initial (public) release
+ Added a configuration file to enable configuring which maps will have freeze times
Version 1.0.0
Initial (private) release
In case you haven't already noticed, this is a plugin for server operators, not clients.
Because I was only able to test this on a server with bots, certain events may not be handled by the code.
Known Bugs/Limitations:
- Because players are unable to clear their spawn points, it may cause the game to keep other players in spectator mode until the freeze time expires and the players move from their spawns. No longer a valid issue in the OC hotfix (unreleased at time of writing) and in the next release.
- If there is only one player on the server, they will still see a message informing them that they are frozen to wait for other players, despite the freeze time being inactive.
- The freeze time penalty cannot be changed without incurring further modifications to the code and a recompile (i.e. it's hardcoded).
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