Unnecessary for plugin.
Commands & Console Variables:
donatelives <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
donatelife <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
livesdonate <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
lifedonate <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
givelives <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
givelife <#userid|name> <number of lives to donate>
All of the above are aliases of one another and therefore perform the same action - donate lives to the specified target (immunity levels are ignored, so players can donate lives to admins). Because SourceMod automatically adds chat trigger variants for registered commands, simply prefix the command with '!' or '/' to use it in chat (e.g. donatelives (console) → !donatelives (chat)).
- Obsidian Conflict SourceMod Extension (bundled with OC), but can be recompiled to remove the dependency.
- Place donatelives.smx into the /sourcemod/plugins directory.
- Place donatelives.phrases.txt into the /sourcemod/translations directory.
Code: Select all
! Changed code to utilize the OC_PlayerLives() native from the official Obsidian Conflict Extension (can be recompiled to remove dependency and use legacy method)
+ Added support for translations
Initial (public) release
+ Added textual feedback colorization for select messages
+ Added new command aliases: givelives, givelife
Version 1.0.0
Initial (private) release
In case you haven't already noticed, this is a plugin for server operators, not clients.
Known Bugs/Limitations:
No known issues at this time.
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