Lamp & Info_Player_Start - Valve & Me
Dummy - Dark Messiah & wassermann
Skeleton - Valve & wassermann
EDIT: I've been informed of a conflict (no pun intended) with EP2 and the skeleton model. I have released a patch.
PATCH Download
If you've downloaded the modelpack before, it's suggested you go into the Obsidian Conflict folder, and go to materials/models/ and delete the folder "skeleton". That should fix the ep2 problem. The original link has also been updated.
EDIT2: I noticed a couple of problems in the INFOPLAYERSTART model. For one, the shoulder blades wern't assigned to the right bones, and the ragdoll looked retarded due to this. The second was the bone placements in the arms. They made weapon holding look dumber than anything. I fixed these problems, and have made a patch.
PATCH 2 Download
The original link has also been updated.