If you downloaded this pack already, please re-download. The last version had broken ragdolls causing there to be no static shadows for the models. This has been fixed but the shadows for the hair tend to clip. Nothing I can do about that. New downloads are now up.

- Ported and uploaded with permission (urged even) from XenoAisam.
- These were recompiled from his Garrysmod playermodels.
- These models WILL NOT conflict with the already existing Miku models from author Buroko. I have renamed a few of the files so this will not happen.
- They both fully support jigglebones.
- Yes, more Miku models, complain more.
- They are in addon format.
http://www.filefront.com/17772335/XenoA ... _Fixed.rar
Extract the entire folder into the add-ons folder in you Obsidian Conflict Directory, simple.
XenoAisam: Models - More models can be found by this author here.
Shade: Porting it (hurrrdurr anyone could have done it though)
Flat Zeus: Making VGUI icons because I got lazy.