[help] MapADD question

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[help] MapADD question

Post by veteran_gamer »

The mapping help section seemed like the most logical place to ask this question, I figured any seasoned hammerites may be able to provide a clue or possibly even an answer even though this is a mapadd based issue.

i ran into a nasty issue however, I'll explain the problem and finalize this thread with the reason behind my attempt at the following.

I have altered the changelevel trigger in a map for the Regular HL2 campaign. On d1_canals_05 (when you first get the airboat) the server will crash if the changelevel trigger is removed and/or a point_servercommand is implemented to alter the transition, it seems to be directly related to the vehicles. I thought it might have to do with the info_landmarks or numerous other things, doesnt seem to be the case.

On all other maps the changelevel trigger removal/edit works Perfectly fine (thank god :] ).

Does anyone know the specific reason it crashes? is it because the default maps arent used to multiplayer vehicles/players in vehicles? Can anyone think of a solution?

I planned on making the server I've been working on public asap, having it only cycle the edited campaign maps so i can add maps gradually as they get completed while letting people experience some crazy game-play. thing is, i have 3 maps that are completed but they are vehicle-based, meaning...i technically cant add these maps until the entire vehicle based ones are complete. much of the canals and a large portion..if not most of the coast...

so i'd be stuck with canals_01-03, d1_town_01-05, and the c17 maps -only-, while who knows how long it'll take to finish the huge batch of vehicle based maps

im in the middle of it right now and typed this up in a hurry, hopefully i made enough sense, if anyone can help i'd appreciate it, and if not..then its business as usual :]

alrighty then thanks for your time
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Post by veteran_gamer »

my friend mentioned it may have to do with an info landmark and the map/engine not knowing where to place it in the next map

just thought id throw that out there in case it sparks any ideas, im gonna keep fiddling with it thanks again
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Post by Shana »

When a player is still in a airboat and the map gets changed by anything else but trigger_changelevel (e.g. game_end, changelevel cmd or mapvote), the server will crash.
We have it fixed in 1.35, but currently there's really no way i can think of to get past it, besides leaving the maps out until you're done with them.

Also, The crash doesn't happen with the jeep if i remember right.
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Post by veteran_gamer »

thats great news all around, cause i was planning on starting on a few coast maps after i fine tune some of the city edits, and as for the update, again excellent news

thanks for the answer man, much appreciated
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