Unique Non Playercombat Maps, Ideas?

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Unique Non Playercombat Maps, Ideas?

Post by Charles445 »

Well I noticed a lot of unique maps have been popping up around OC. Umizuri, Harvest, Kake, Harrier, anything else by Zteer, paysan, that card battle map, all sorts!

I'm wanting to join in this mapping fun, and entities are my strong point so I can do complex systems and such. (like a set-able and playable minesweeper board, zm_minesweeper)

Problem is...

I'm fresh out of ideas.

If any of you non-mappers (or mappers not sure how to create an idea) have any floating ideas, I'd love to hear them. As ridiculous as they may be, please post them. Something stupid to one can be brilliant to another.
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Post by destiny »

easy puzzle maps. we dont have many of those.(right?)
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Post by fug4life »

You could try a co-op puzzle map that relies on the team manovering through the map together, i.e make each puzzle impossible to complete with at least two people.

There are some good, examples in Tysn's oc_fireteam series and you'll see a cool puzzle in the new wildfire map (also oc_stitches). Also near the end of oc_tantrum (made by oniyuri) is a nice laser section that has to be operated by two for one to progress.

A bit like the syn_trials maps, laser jumping skill stuff like that but also a lot of tech that has to be operated by two or more players.

ever tried the tbr_orange and tbr_blue puzzle maps for hl2dm, they're pretty good. I'm thinking of including them in a non-oc map: mappack for obsidian.

Also check out oc_party, for team challenges if you want to go with a team map. But I like the idea of a co-op heavy non-combat challenge puzzle map, think research and development, crossed with syn_trials, and more emphasis on co-op to complete.
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Post by Charles445 »

I was thinking more of a longer lasting, more unique concept.
The word 'Puzzle' encompasses a HUGE boundary. I'm going for a specific theme.
I'm also not looking for an objective based map, but for a time consuming map (one that doesn't technically end)
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Post by TMlord95 »

Here's a idea I had- Minigame map. Several small gametypes back to back. Here are a few I had.
*Shoot-A-Headcrab - Like whack a mole, but with guns. Regulars are wrth 10, fast worth 25, and Poison worth 50. But avoid the Gnome, shooting him takes away 25 points. the game runs constantly, and you need 500 points to get to the next room, so you are racing against your teammates. (Teammate's only in that you can't shoot them- You are trying to beath them to the end)
In the next room, the points reset, and you play a different minigame, like one of these
*Hopscotch- Make it to the end of the room, touching only certain tiles. Touching an unmarked tile returns you to the start of the room.
*Dodgeball- Like hopscotch, you need to make it to the end, but there energy balls bouncing around everywhere. You are given a grav-gun, and can punt the balls out of the way, or simply avoid them by jumping, running, and ducking. getting hit returns you to the start of the room.
*Simon Says- Push a series of colored buttons in the order the computer tells you too.
You can probably think of more yourself, you get the idea.
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Post by fug4life »

I like the ideas, would be funto have players race them selves through the challenges.

You could have them gain the points and have to purchase a teleport (for one) at the cost of $500 to move to the next stage!

Would be quite easy for a lot of what you suggested to do this with logic_merchant_relay's and triggers that apply score!
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Post by TMlord95 »

Here's how I was thinking of doing it, so people coudn't farm an early minigame and use it for a latter, harder one.

You get the requirement for the mini game- you enter the teleporter to the next room by pressing E on it.

When you press the teleporter, it checks for the minimum ammount of points you need for this room, and send you to the next one if you have enough, resetting your points total. So if I say-

Got 550 points in Shoot-a-Headcrab and went to the teleporter, it would
Check my points
See I have the necisary ammount
Send me to next room
Strip my weapons and replace them with my next bunch I need.
Reset my points
Somehow tell me the rules of the room and the name of the game (Posters, like in harvest, maybe?)

It's the only cheat-proof way I can think of.
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Post by fug4life »

Why haven't you made this map already?

It sounds like you've thought it through....

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Post by TMlord95 »

I'm not a greta mapper. My only mapping experience came from a old gmod map, and a idle map for tf2 I never reallly finished.

I'll try making this though, It doesn't sound too hard. Oh, and if anybody wants to see my Gmod map, i'll upoad it. It got deleted off garrysmod.org during the great clensing, for some reason.
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Post by fug4life »

Have ago. Fun maps dont have to always be graphically great, just tidy and optimised I would say.
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