A couple of questions.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:33 am
My first is... I have a 2d sky box unessercarily around the whole of my map and Ive used the sky_space. All is fine although the scale makes the planets and stars look too large and pixelated. Any way to change scale/ resolution, or do I have to go and edit the original space textures? Would a 3d sky box help, although the nature of my map Its not needed for any other purpose. I could probably make a smaller sky box just at the top of my map that dosent surround the whole map which would make the skybox smaller, would that help the resolution?
Second I have a dude In a glass like fish tank. and the water brush is not a square, I think it has 5 sides. should I use func_fish_pool (without the fish), and do I texture the whole brush unlike normal water then tie it to the func_fish_pool?
Any Ideas?
Second I have a dude In a glass like fish tank. and the water brush is not a square, I think it has 5 sides. should I use func_fish_pool (without the fish), and do I texture the whole brush unlike normal water then tie it to the func_fish_pool?
Any Ideas?