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a SERIOUS problem with water reflections

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:22 pm
by sgae
hi, i'm doing one map for this freaking mod... blahblahblah...

well the problem is related about water reflections... see what happens:


as you can see the reflections are ok and beautiful

now lets see with more detail the freaking beautiful water...
(go more near)


WTF!!! a retard ugly fog fraked the water and now look horrible :x

that error only appears near that place, no leaks, compiled with full vis and rad + HDR

i don't know if the reason of that error is this water touching the skybox... see this:


as you can see, theres ugly water near sky solid...

if someone knows wtf happens please, tell me how to fix that retard bug :x

thanks for help and here a WIP pic :lol:


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:11 pm
by fug4life
The first pic I can't see, but the water in the second and third looks ok to me? :?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:31 pm
by sgae
fug4life wrote:The first pic I can't see, but the water in the second and third looks ok to me? :?
the LOD is bad...

anyways i fix that, the bug was the water touching the "sky" texture, i do some changes and fixed that and now the LOD and VIS strage bug are fixed... really some errors are strange :/

but thanks for the help :?
