Which space sky you think looks best?
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:00 pm
Well for oc_archive I managed to get hold of a half decent custom skybox texture. Which leaves me in a bit of a dilema over which to use for oc_rein.
So you guys can help me choose. Ignore the asteroids for now they are to be rearranged if not removed, and I'll think of some other props for the sky box.
The first two pictures are of the one I had planned for the map. Which was used in one or two other oc maps.


The second two pictures are of a custom one, the planet looks slightly better although the stars are much more dense in volume.


The third two pictures are from an unusual almost fantasy space setting.
Although much brighter and really I'd have to rethink some of the colour scheme of the map.


I'm thinking of the seond one, but I dont know maybe the first I should stick with.
Also I'm gonna try make use of these textures:
http://dbn.exofire.net/releases/filepag ... rfield.php
They are animated star textures that sparkle and twinkle. I'm not sure but you create a dome over the 3d sky box.
Also DeathByNukes has some other insteresting releases and programs,
I think he even made some some of hammer compiler that incresases the size of visleafs for large maps and it tidies up the way vis cuts brushes.
So you guys can help me choose. Ignore the asteroids for now they are to be rearranged if not removed, and I'll think of some other props for the sky box.
The first two pictures are of the one I had planned for the map. Which was used in one or two other oc maps.


The second two pictures are of a custom one, the planet looks slightly better although the stars are much more dense in volume.


The third two pictures are from an unusual almost fantasy space setting.
Although much brighter and really I'd have to rethink some of the colour scheme of the map.


I'm thinking of the seond one, but I dont know maybe the first I should stick with.
Also I'm gonna try make use of these textures:
http://dbn.exofire.net/releases/filepag ... rfield.php
They are animated star textures that sparkle and twinkle. I'm not sure but you create a dome over the 3d sky box.
Also DeathByNukes has some other insteresting releases and programs,
I think he even made some some of hammer compiler that incresases the size of visleafs for large maps and it tidies up the way vis cuts brushes.