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n33d some help please (map sky and some stuff)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:40 pm
by sgae
hi, i started a new map (for obsidian obviously) and here is a pic:

(it's very wip, only 1 hour spend in it)

well, the questions are:

anyone knows a more "nighter" sky (not completly night) with dark blue colour and rainy like clouds (not all infested), something like this with more clouds:


and the next (and last) question is:

in some cs:s maps i seen "fake" dynamic lights because they use a physics industrial ceiling lamp model with "light spot" sprite parented to it but they put a normal light spot i don't know how to explain that exactly, people knows my english is crappy :cry:

well, thanks for help xD

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:15 pm
by Blues
I don't really know what you want about the light_spot and dynamic light, but for the point_spotlight there's a flag to check/uncheck that's called "No Dynamic Light", making it a dynamic light or not. This might be useful for you. I suggest you could mean something like this..

Or do you mean the sprite and how to parent it to the lamp model or what?
Do you want to know how to make those lamps like in cs:s?
Those are made by attaching the prop_physics lamp model to a phys_ballsocket (which is put directly on the ceiling), so it would swing when shot. then, the lamp is set a point_spotlight's parent. the point_spotlight must be put directly under the lamp and it must point to the ground.

might look like this:

Please ask a precise question nex time or i'll have to guess again :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:06 pm
by sgae
Blues wrote:I don't really know what you want about the light_spot and dynamic light, but for the point_spotlight there's a flag to check/uncheck that's called "No Dynamic Light", making it a dynamic light or not. This might be useful for you. I suggest you could mean something like this..

Or do you mean the sprite and how to parent it to the lamp model or what?
Do you want to know how to make those lamps like in cs:s?
Those are made by attaching the prop_physics lamp model to a phys_ballsocket (which is put directly on the ceiling), so it would swing when shot. then, the lamp is set a point_spotlight's parent. the point_spotlight must be put directly under the lamp and it must point to the ground.

might look like this:

Please ask a precise question nex time or i'll have to guess again :wink:
yeah, i think is what you mean


exaclty, is this (pic), this pic was taken in de_nuke (it's too dark to see lamp but you can see the sprite, is that what i want)

thanks!!!!! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:12 pm
by Blues
actually it isn't really a simple sprite, but the point_spotlight has a sprite (to make it look volumetric) and casts light...

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:21 pm
by skidz
A good sky list here
With images.

sky_day03_06 looks sort of like your image.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:49 pm
by sgae
skidz wrote:A good sky list here
With images.

sky_day03_06 looks sort of like your image.
i know that sky but it looks more like for a citadel ans i don't want to have a big "sky hole" in the center

and i prefer a new one, not hl2retail

i will keep searching in the internet, i hope i will find what i want

thanks for help!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:22 pm
by fug4life

There's one in there? Is that any good to you?
If you download the pack bewarned, most of the VMT's will need fixing,
The forward'/' and '\' In the path names are all wrong etc.

Hmm, dosen't like being linked try here:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:06 pm
by sgae
fug4life wrote:

There's one in there? Is that any good to you?
If you download the pack bewarned, most of the VMT's will need fixing,
The forward'/' and '\' In the path names are all wrong etc.

Hmm, dosen't like being linked try here:
i think i will use one of those skies

thanks for helping me!!! i will post a new pic with the sky soon :D

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:31 pm
by fug4life
Your welcome...

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:10 am
by sgae
another wip pic:


it's from hammer :/ when i will have more map done i will compile it and put more beautiful pic :/

i'm planning to put a factory with brainless combine and helicopters and then u will unlook a door to a more deepeer zone in the "abandoned" factory...